- 280 - Declaration of Policy and Purposes.
Whereas beach erosion along the shoreline of this state and especially along the shoreline in the county of Suffolk causes loss of life and damage...
- 280-a - Definitions.
Whenever used in this article, the following terms shall have the respective meanings hereinafter set forth or indicated: 1. Governing body. The term "governing body"...
- 280-b - County Agency.
The governing body may appoint or establish an officer, board or body, or may designate an existing officer, board or body, or public authority which...
- 280-c - Powers of County Agency.
The agency, as empowered by the governing body, may assemble data relating to (1) problems and solutions in hurricane protection, flood and shoreline erosion control...
- 280-d - Preparation of Maps and Plans.
A petition may be presented to the governing body requesting that a certain area or areas of the county be established as a county district....
- 280-e - Public Hearing.
When the agency has caused such maps and plans to be prepared, it shall transmit them to the governing body, together with a report of...
- 280-f - Representation by Municipalities and District.
At the public hearing on the establishment of a county district which includes the whole or any part of a town, village or such existing...
- 280-g - Establishment of a County District.
Upon the evidence presented at the public hearing, and after due consideration of the maps and plans, reports, recommendations and other data filed with it,...
- 280-h - Permissive Referendum.
The provisions of sections one hundred one and one hundred two of this chapter and the applicable provisions of the election law as to conduct...
- 280-i - Application to the Department of Audit and Control.
Whenever a resolution approving the establishment of a county district shall have become effective, the clerk of the governing body shall file an application in...
- 280-j - Recording and Filing of Determination.
The clerk of the governing body shall within ten days cause a certified copy of the order of the governing body establishing the district to...
- 280-k - Review.
Any interested party, including a village, or a town board or board of commissioners on behalf of an existing district, aggrieved by the final determination...
- 280-l - Administration of the County District.
When a county district shall have been established, the governing body shall appoint, designate or establish an officer, board or body as the administrative head...
- 280-m - Performance of the Work.
After a district shall have been established, the administrative head or body shall cause to be prepared by the county engineer, or other county officer...
- 280-n - Powers.
The administrative head or body upon authorization from the governing body may acquire in the name of the county by gift, lease, purchase or condemnation,...
- 280-o - Rules and Regulations.
The governing body shall have power to adopt, amend and repeal, from time to time, rules and regulations for the operation of a county district...
- 280-p - Contracts.
The administrative head or body, where applicable, subject to the approval of the governing body, may make contracts necessary to effectuate the purposes of this...
- 280-q - Revenues.
1. The county treasurer shall collect and receive all levies, charges, other revenue of the district and grants in aid and assistance and keep a...
- 280-r - Expense of the Improvement.
The cost of establishment of a county district and the furnishing of the improvement therein shall include the amount of all contracts, the costs of...
- 280-s - Increase and Improvement of Facilities.
Whenever the governing body shall determine it necessary to acquire additional lands or interests in lands or to acquire or to construct dunes, bluffs, bulkheads,...
- 280-t - Increase of Maximum Amount to Be Expended.
At any time after the establishment of a district pursuant to this article, the maximum amount authorized to be expended for the original improvement in...
- 280-u - Assessment of the Cost.
The expense of the establishment of a district and of providing improvements therein, including the improvements described in section two hundred eighty-s, shall be assessed,...
- 280-v - Alternative Method of Assessment.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding section, if the notice of public hearing to be held by the governing body pursuant to section two hundred...
- 280-w - Taxation of District Property.
All real property acquired for the purposes of the county district shall be acquired in the name of the county. Real property acquired in the...
- 280-x - Contracts With Public Authorities for County Hurricane Protection, Flood and Shoreline Erosion Control Districts.
1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the governing body may enter into a contract with a public authority which possesses express reciprocal powers...
- 280-y - Extension of the District.
A county district may be extended so as to include territory not previously included within its boundaries in the same manner as hereinbefore prescribed for...
- 280-z - Jurisdiction of Other State Agencies.
The powers and duties of the state department of environmental conservation, the water pollution control board, or any other state department or agency heretofore or...
- 280-Aa - Claims.
The expense for all claims made against the county or the district, its agents, servants or employees arising out of the establishment, operation, maintenance or...
Last modified: February 3, 2019