New York Education Law Section 6547 - Definitions.

6547. Definitions. As used in this article:

1. Specialist assistant. The term "specialist assistant" means a person who is registered pursuant to this article as a specialist assistant for a particular medical specialty as defined by regulations promulgated by the commissioner of health pursuant to section thirty-seven hundred eleven of the public health law.

2. Physician. The term "physician" means a practitioner of medicine licensed to practice medicine pursuant to article one hundred thirty-one of this chapter.

3. Approved program. The term "approved program" means a program for the education of specialist assistants which has been approved by the department.

4. Hospital. The term "hospital" means an institution or facility possessing a valid operating certificate issued pursuant to article twenty-eight of the public health law and authorized to employ specialist assistants in accordance with rules and regulations of the public health and health planning council.

Last modified: February 3, 2019