216. Senior center council. 1. Definition. For the purposes of this section, the term "council" shall mean the senior center council convened by the director pursuant to this section.
2. Membership. The senior center council shall consist of ten members appointed by the director who shall serve as the chair. These members shall have experience with the operation of senior centers and the provision of services therein. Members shall also be broadly representative of older adult groups and all geographic areas of the state. At least two of these members shall be over the age of sixty-two.
3. Compensation. Members of the council, other than the director, shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties pursuant to this section.
4. Purpose. The purpose of the council shall be to (a) provide a forum for discussion of challenges facing senior centers across the state and developing solutions;
(b) support sharing of information regarding efficient and effective operation of senior centers in different areas around the state;
(c) encourage the spread of methods and programs with proven effectiveness;
(d) create an environment for peer-to-peer support for senior centers across the state; and
(e) offer recommendations for how the state can support senior centers and lower barriers to effective service delivery.
Last modified: February 3, 2019