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New York Election Law Title 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS
5-100 - Registration; Required.
A person shall not be entitled to vote in any election held pursuant to this chapter unless he shall be registered, and if required, enrolled...
5-102 - Qualifications of Voters; Age and Residence.
1. No person shall be qualified to register for and vote at any election unless he is a citizen of the United States and is...
5-104 - Qualifications of Voters; Residence, Gaining or Losing.
1. For the purpose of registering and voting no person shall be deemed to have gained or lost a residence by reason of his presence...
5-106 - Qualifications of Voters; Reasons for Exclusion.
1. No person who shall receive, accept, or offer to receive, or pay, offer or promise to pay, contribute, offer or promise to contribute to...
Last modified: February 3, 2019