6-200 - Application of Title.
1. This title applies to all general and special village elections for officers which are conducted by the board of elections on a date other...
6-202 - Party Nominations; Villages.
1. Party nominations of candidates for village offices in any county shall be made at a party caucus or at a primary election, as the...
6-204 - Designating Petition; Form.
1. Party designations for elective village offices shall be made on a designating petition containing the signatures in ink of residents of the village who...
6-206 - Independent Nominations; Petition, Form.
1. Independent nominations for elective village offices shall be made by a petition containing the signatures in ink of residents of the village who are...
6-208 - Petitions, Qualifications of Signers.
Any village resident who is a registered voter of the village and, in the case of a designating petition, an enrolled member of the party...
6-212 - Designations and Nominations, Objections.
Written objections to a nominating or designating petition or to a certificate of nomination, certificate of acceptance, certificate of authorization, certificate of declination or certificate...