New York Election Law Title 3 - CASTING THE BALLOT
- 8-300 - Voting; Manner Of.
1. The inspectors shall admit within the voting area only two voters at a time for each ballot scanner, ballot marking device, or privacy booth...
- 8-302 - Voting; Verification of Registration.
1. At all elections held pursuant to the provisions of this chapter two inspectors representing different political parties shall act together at all times in...
- 8-303 - Initial Voter Identification.
1. Applicability. Each board of elections, in a uniform and nondiscriminatory manner, shall require a voter to meet the requirements of subdivision two of this...
- 8-304 - Voters; Signature Identification.
1. A person before being allowed to vote shall be required, except as provided in this chapter, to sign his name on the back of...
- 8-306 - Voters; Assistance To.
1. A voter who states under oath to the board of inspectors that he requires assistance may be assisted in the manner and subject to...
- 8-308 - Voting; Voting Machine Write-In.
1. Ballots voted for any person whose name does not appear on the machine as a nominated or designated candidate for public office or party...
- 8-312 - Voting; Election Day Paper Ballots, Marking and Casting, Delivery to Voter.
1. On receiving his or her ballot, the voter forthwith shall retire alone, unless he or she is entitled to assistance in voting or is...
- 8-314 - Voting; Primary Election, Missing Enrollment Record.
If a registered voter marked an enrollment blank, but his enrollment as so indicated was not entered or entered incorrectly, he nevertheless shall be permitted...
- 8-316 - Ballots; Mutilated or Spoiled.
If a ballot is found to be defective or mutilated before it is delivered to the voter, its stub and the stubs of all other...
Last modified: February 3, 2019