New York Estates, Powers & Trusts Law Part 5 - RULES GOVERNING FUTURE ESTATES
- 6-5.1 - Characteristics of Future Estates
6-5.1 Characteristics of future estates Future estates are descendible, devisable and alienable, in the same manner as estates in possession.
- 6-5.2 - Power of Appointment Not to Prevent Vesting
6-5.2 Power of appointment not to prevent vesting The existence of an unexecuted power of appointment does not prevent the vesting of a future estate,...
- 6-5.3 - Future Estates in the Alternative
6-5.3 Future estates in the alternative Two or more future estates may be created to take effect in the alternative, so that if the first...
- 6-5.4 - Implication of Cross Remainders Between Tenants in Common
6-5.4 Implication of cross remainders between tenants in common When a limitation, if contained in a will, would create a tenancy in common, with implied...
- 6-5.5 - Future Estate Valid Though Contingency Improbable
6-5.5 Future estate valid though contingency improbable A future estate, otherwise valid, shall not be void on the ground of the improbability of the contingency...
- 6-5.6 - Meaning of Heirs, Distributees and Issue in Certain Remainders
6-5.6 Meaning of heirs, distributees and issue in certain remainders When a remainder is limited to take effect on the death of any person without...
- 6-5.7 - Posthumous Children
6-5.7 Posthumous children (a) Where a future estate is limited to children, distributees, heirs or issue, posthumous children are entitled to take in the same...
- 6-5.8 - Heirs or Distributees of Life Tenant Take As Purchasers
6-5.8 Heirs or distributees of life tenant take as purchasers When a remainder is limited to the heirs, heirs of the body or distributees of...
- 6-5.9 - Heirs or Distributees of Creator Take As Purchasers
6-5.9 Heirs or distributees of creator take as purchasers Where a remainder is limited to the heirs or distributees of the creator of an estate...
- 6-5.10 - When Future Estates are Defeated
6-5.10 When future estates are defeated A future estate cannot be defeated or barred by any disposition or other act of the owner of the...
- 6-5.11 - Non-Destructibility of Remainders Subject to a Condition Precedent
6-5.11 Non-destructibility of remainders subject to a condition precedent A remainder is not defeated by the determination of a precedent estate before the occurrence of...
- 6-5.12 - Future Rents and Profits Subject to Rules Governing Future Estates
6-5.12 Future rents and profits subject to rules governing future estates A disposition of the rents, profits or other income from property accruing at any...
Last modified: February 3, 2019