89-rrr. Application for registration card. An application for an armored car guard registration card shall be verified and subscribed by the applicant and shall contain the following information:
1. Full name;
2. Aliases or maiden name;
3. Current residence and telephone number;
4. Any conviction of a crime, as that term is defined in section 10.00 of the penal law;
5. A complete set of two fingerprint cards on a standard fingerprint card approved by the division. Before approving such application the secretary, or his or her designee, shall transmit to the division one copy of such fingerprint card and the fee required pursuant to subdivision seven of this section and cause to be conducted a search of state files to ascertain whether the applicant has a previous criminal history. Upon the written request of an armored car carrier, the secretary shall require each applicant to submit to an additional fingerprint check by the federal bureau of investigation, and to remit the appropriate fee therefor. The secretary may cause an investigation to be conducted to verify the information contained in the application provided. The department, in consultation with the division, may waive such background checks, investigations and fees if, in its opinion, the applicant has been subject to previous background checks and investigation requirements which meet or exceed the requirements of this section or the federal "Armored Car Industry Reciprocity Act of 1993," pub. l. 103-55 (15 U.S.C. 5901 et seq.), and amendments thereto. The department, in consultation with the division, may not be required to conduct background checks or investigations for applicants who are also employed as peace officers. If additional copies of fingerprints are required the applicant shall furnish them upon request;
6. Two photographs of such applicant taken within thirty days prior to the filing of the application of a size prescribed by the department; and
7. An application processing fee of fifty dollars and a fee pursuant to subdivision eight-a of section eight hundred thirty-seven of the executive law, and amendments thereto, for the cost of the division's full search and retain procedures, which fee shall be remitted by the department to the division for deposit by the comptroller into the general fund.
Last modified: February 3, 2019