- 750 - Declaration of Policy.
The legislature hereby finds and declares that the relationships that humans develop with other members of the animal kingdom that are taken into our homes...
- 750-a - Definitions.
As used in this article, unless the context requires otherwise: 1. "Person" means an individual, corporation, company, partnership, municipality, not-for-profit corporation or any other entity...
- 750-b - License Required.
On and after July thirty-first, nineteen hundred ninety-three, no person shall engage for a fee in the business of operating a pet cemetery or pet...
- 750-c - Powers of the Secretary of State.
The secretary of state shall inspect periodically all licensed pet cemeteries and pet crematoriums. The cost of such inspection shall not be charged to the...
- 750-d - Rules and Regulations.
1. With respect to pet cemeteries and pet crematoriums, the department of state shall have power to adopt such rules and regulations not inconsistent with...
- 750-e - License; Application.
1. Any person desiring a license to engage in the business of operating a pet cemetery or pet crematorium under this article may make application...
- 750-f - Licenses; Display; Renewal; Duplicates.
1. All licenses shall be for a period of two years. 2. No license shall be assignable or transferable except as hereinafter provided. 3. A...
- 750-g - Fees.
1. The fee for a license to engage in the business of operating a pet cemetery or pet crematorium shall be one hundred fifty dollars....
- 750-h - Denial of License Application and Suspension and Revocation of Licenses.
1. An application for a license under this article may be denied or a license to engage in the business of operating a pet cemetery...
- 750-i - Hearing on Charges; Decision.
1. No license shall be suspended or revoked nor shall any fine or reprimand be imposed until after a hearing had before an officer or...
- 750-j - Judicial Review.
The action of the secretary of state in suspending, revoking or refusing to issue or renew a license, or imposing a fine or reprimand on...
- 750-k - Violations and Penalties.
Any person not licensed pursuant to this article who shall directly or indirectly engage in the business of operating a pet cemetery or pet crematorium...
- 750-l - Official Acts Used As Evidence.
The official acts of the secretary of state, department of state and department of environmental conservation shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein...
- 750-m - Dedication of Moneys Derived From Operation of Article.
All moneys derived from the operation of this article shall on or before the tenth day of each month be paid into the pet cemetery...
- 750-n - Dedication of Real Property for Pet Cemetery Purposes.
1. The owner of any real property used or to be used for a pet cemetery shall file, or cause to be filed, in the...
- 750-o - Removal of Dedication.
Upon the filing of a dedication restricting real property for the operation of a pet cemetery, such dedication may only be amended or removed by...
- 750-p - Area Requirements for Pet Cemeteries.
A pet cemetery which commences operations on or after the effective date of this article and which provides for the permanent interment of pets shall...
- 750-q - Maintenance Fees for Pet Cemeteries.
1. A pet cemetery owner may charge a permanent maintenance endowment fee for the care of the pet cemetery, which if charged, shall be placed...
- 750-r - Endowment Care or Similar Trust Funds.
1. A pet cemetery which commenced operations prior to the effective date of this article shall establish an endowment care or similar trust fund, the...
- 750-s - Pet Disposal Forms.
1. Each person who gives to a veterinarian or a pet cemetery owner or pet crematorium owner a pet for disposal shall be provided by...
- 750-t - Disposal in Compliance With Forms.
A pet cemetery owner shall dispose of a pet in compliance with a pet disposal form completed by a pet owner or veterinarian. If such...
- 750-u - Veterinary and Agricultural Production Exclusions.
Any pet cemetery which: 1. (a) is owned by a licensed veterinarian; or (b) is located on land used in agricultural production; 2. does not...
- 750-Uu - Small Pet Cemetery Exclusion.
Any pet cemetery which buries less than five animals a year, makes no representation that the pet graves will be cared for or that the...
- 750-v - Duties of Pet Cemetery Owners and Operators.
All pet cemetery owners and operators shall have the following duties: 1. To keep permanently maps and records containing the specific site of each pet...
- 750-w - Separability Clause.
If any part or provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstance be adjudged invalid by any court of competent...
Last modified: February 3, 2019