New York General City Law Article 2-A - POWERS OF CITIES
- 19 - General Grant of Powers.
1. Every city is granted power to regulate, manage and control its property and local affairs and is granted all the rights, privileges and jurisdiction...
- 20 - Grant of Specific Powers.
Subject to the constitution and general laws of this state, every city is empowered: 1. To contract and be contracted with and to institute, maintain...
- 20-a - Purchasing Department or Agency.
Each city, except a city of the first class having a population of one million or more inhabitants, is hereby authorized and empowered to create...
- 20-b - Cities Authorized to Impose Taxes on Utilities.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, any city of this state, acting through its local legislative body, is hereby authorized and empowered...
- 20-c - Temporary Investment of Certain City Funds in Obligations of the United States.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each city of the state, acting through its board of estimate or other analogous governing body, may authorize its...
- 20-d - Alternative Procedure for Acquisition of Certain Real Property, Personal Property and Franchises of Omnibus Lines Within Cities Having a Population of
one million or more inhabitants. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, general, special or local, cities with a population of one million or more inhabitants...
- 20-e - State Office Buildings and Other Public Improvements in Certain Cities.
1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, general, special or local, every city is hereby authorized and empowered: (a) To acquire by purchase, gift or...
- 20-f - Transfer of Development Rights; Definitions; Conditions; Procedures.
1. As used in this section: a. "Development rights" shall mean the rights permitted to a lot, parcel, or area of land under a zoning...
- 20-g - Intermunicipal Cooperation in Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Regulation.
1. Legislative intent. This section is intended to illustrate the statutory authority that any municipal corporation has under article five-G of the general municipal law...
- 21 - Public or Municipal Purpose and General Welfare Defined.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the terms "public or municipal purpose," and "general welfare," as used in this article, shall each include the promotion...
- 21-b - Debt Service in Relation to Certain Municipal Cooperative Activities.
If any joint indebtedness described in title one-A of article two of the local finance law is allocated and apportioned, or is excluded, under or...
- 21-c - Passenger Stations of Railroad Redevelopment Corporations in Certain Cities.
1. Each city having a population of more than one million may from time to time contract with a railroad redevelopment corporation providing passenger service...
- 21-d - Establishment of Blood Credit Systems by Cities.
1. Every city shall have the power to establish by executive order of the mayor or by resolution of the local governing body, a blood...
- 21-e - Operating Assistance for Water-Works Corporations in Certain Cities.
Each city having a population of more than one million may provide operating assistance to a water-works corporation subject to the provisions of the public...
- 21-f - Operating Assistance for Certain Public Utility Services.
Each city having a population of one million or more shall be authorized to make an appropriation, notwithstanding any provision of general, special or local...
- 22 - This Grant in Addition to Existing Powers.
The powers granted by this article shall be in addition to and not in substitution for, all the powers, rights, privileges and functions existing in...
- 23 - Powers Hereby Granted, How to Be Exercised.
1. The powers granted by this act are to be exercised by the officer, officers or official body vested with such powers by any other...
- 24 - Construction of This Act.
This article shall be construed, not as an act in derogation of the powers of the state, but as one intended to aid the state...
Last modified: February 3, 2019