184. When officers of different towns disagree about highway. When the town superintendent of any town or officers of any village or city having the powers of town superintendents shall differ with the town superintendent or superintendents of any other town or with the officers of such a village or city having the powers of town superintendents in the same county, relating to the laying out of a new highway or altering an old highway, extending into both towns, or a town and a village or city, or upon the boundary line between such towns or such town and a village or city, or when a town superintendent of a town in one county shall differ with the town superintendent of a town or the officers of a village or city having the powers of town superintendents in another county, relating to the laying out of a new highway, or the altering of an old highway, which shall extend into both counties, or be upon the boundary line between such counties, the town superintendents of both towns or the officers of the village or city having such powers shall meet on five days' written notice, specifying the time and place, within some one of such towns, villages or cities, given by either of such town superintendents, or officers having powers of town superintendents, to make their determination in writing, upon the subject of their differences. If they cannot agree, they or either of them may certify the fact of their disagreement to the supreme court in the judicial district where all or part of the proposed highway is located; and upon due notice to all persons interested view the proposed highway, or proposed alteration of a highway, and take such evidence as it deems proper, and shall decide all questions that shall arise on the hearing, as to the laying out or altering of such highway, its location, width, grade and character of roadbed, or any point that may arise relating thereto; if supreme court determines in favor of opening or altering any highway it shall order that all proceedings thereto are in conformance with the eminent domain procedure law.
Last modified: February 3, 2019