349-e. Cities named; streets designated. The cities, outside of New York city, affected by this article, and the public streets designated herein, as aforesaid, are as follows, viz:
Southside Route, beginning at the Albany city line west of Krumkill road, thence southeasterly to the Albany city line east of Krumkill road -- also from a point on the Albany city line east of the Slingerlands by-pass, southeasterly crossing Delaware avenue in the vicinity of the New York State thruway in the city of Albany, thence southeasterly generally paralleling the New York thruway to an intersection with the Mid-Crosstown Arterial in the vicinity of McCarthy avenue, continuing generally easterly crossing South Pearl street near McCarthy avenue and generally northeasterly through the Delaware and Hudson railroad yards to and on or near Green street to a traffic interchange with the South Mall expressway. Approximate length 4.8 miles.
Riverfront Route, beginning at a traffic interchange with the South Mall expressway, thence northerly along or in the vicinity of the west shore of the Hudson river to the northerly city line of Albany. Approximate length 2.6 miles.
Fuller Road Alternate, beginning at the southerly city line of Albany, west of Fuller road, thence on new location northerly to the north city line of Albany. Approximate length 0.9 mile.
Washington Avenue-Northside Route, beginning at a traffic interchange with the Fuller Road Alternate, thence southeasterly along or in the vicinity of Washington avenue to a point west of Tudor road, thence on new location easterly and southeasterly, generally paralleling the New York Central Railroad to the vicinity of Northern boulevard, continuing easterly and southeasterly to the Albany city line, on a new bridge over the Hudson river in the vicinity of Lower Patroon island, including traffic interchanges with the Crosstown Route, Mid-Crosstown Arterial and the Riverfront Route. Approximate length 6.3 miles.
Crosstown Route, beginning at the southerly city line near Krumkill road, thence northeasterly in the vicinity of Seminole avenue extended, Seminole avenue and Brevator street to Washington avenue, thence northwesterly to an intersection with the Washington Avenue-Northside Route. Approximate length 2.2 miles.
Mid-Crosstown Arterial, beginning at the southerly city line, state highway nine thousand one hundred one, thence northerly along Southern boulevard to a traffic interchange with the Southside Route near McCarty avenue, thence continuing northerly on new location to Second avenue near Frisbie avenue, thence northerly and northeasterly on new location crossing Delaware and Holland avenues to a point on Myrtle avenue west of Lark street, thence northerly and northeasterly on new location through Washington park, thence northeasterly on new location generally paralleling Northern boulevard to a traffic interchange with the Washington Avenue-Northside Route and continuing northeasterly and northerly on or in the vicinity of Loudonville road to the northerly city line, state highway twenty-two, including connections with certain existing streets and/or relocations of certain existing streets as determined by the commissioner; also from the intersection of Loudonville road at or near Northern boulevard, thence northeasterly on or along Northern boulevard and northerly on or along Van Rensselaer boulevard to the city line, at state highway one thousand five hundred eighteen. Portions of this arterial route within and in the vicinity of Washington park may be built as a depressed highway as determined by the commissioner. Approximate length 4.9 miles.
Sheridan Valley Arterial, beginning at an intersection with the Riverfront Route in the vicinity of Livingston avenue, as determined by the commissioner, thence generally westerly and northwesterly in the vicinity of Clinton avenue to the vicinity of the Mid-Crosstown Arterial, as determined by the commissioner, including connections with existing streets and/or relocations of such existing streets. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
Mall Arterial, beginning at an interchange with the Riverfront Route in the vicinity of Madison avenue, thence generally northwesterly on new location in the vicinity of Hudson avenue to a traffic interchange with the Mid-Crosstown Arterial, as determined by the commissioner, including connections with existing streets and/or relocations of such existing streets. Approximate length 1.1 miles.
Notwithstanding the provisions of section three hundred forty-nine-c of this article, the commissioner of transportation may acquire at state expense, at anytime prior to April first, nineteen hundred sixty-nine, for state highway purposes, pursuant to section thirty of this chapter, property within three hundred fifty feet of right of way acquired for arterial highways or interstate highways in the city of Albany, for the purpose of controlling access to such highways.
Beginning at a point on the northwesterly city line of Amsterdam, at state highway one hundred eight thence on or along West Main street to the vicinity of Caroline street, thence on new location south of and generally parallel to West Main street and East Main street to a point on the southeasterly city line of Amsterdam, at state highway one hundred eighty, including necessary connections to East Main street in the vicinity of Railroad street; also from a point on this route in the vicinity of Schuyler street, returning northwesterly on new location to a point in the vicinity of the intersection of Liberty street and Grove street, thence on or along Grove street to Market street, thence generally westerly to a connection with the arterial route in the vicinity of Wall street. Approximate length 4.4 miles.
Beginning at the southwesterly city line of Amsterdam, at state highway thirty-two, thence northeasterly along Minaville street to the vicinity of DeStefano avenue, thence northeasterly on new location to River street, including a connection to Bridge street in the vicinity of River street, continuing northeasterly on The New Amsterdam Bridge crossing the Mohawk river and the N. Y. C. R. R. (Main Line) to Church street at East Main street, including a connection from the northerly end of said new bridge southeasterly to a point on the arterial route on new location south of and generally parallel to East Main Street, continuing along Church street to the vicinity of Gardiner lane, including any necessary connections between Church street and Guy Park avenue in the vicinity of High street, thence on new location northerly to Market street in the vicinity of Prospect street, including a connection between Church street and Market street, continuing northerly on or in the vicinity of Market street to the northerly city line of Amsterdam, at state highway nine thousand forty-three; also from a point on this route in the vicinity of Prospect street southwesterly along Market street to a point in the vicinity of Greene street, thence on new location to Pearl street at Division street, thence on or along Pearl street to the intersection of West Main street in the vicinity of Pearl street, also continuing from a point near this intersection and on new location southeasterly to the approach of said new bridge crossing the Mohawk river. Approximate length 3.5 miles.
Beginning at a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation on the westerly city line of Amsterdam south of Broadway, thence on new location easterly to the vicinity of and on or along DeStefano avenue to the vicinity of Saint John street, thence on new location easterly to a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation on the southerly city line of Amsterdam, in the vicinity of state highway five hundred thirteen. Approximate length 1.6 miles.
Beginning on Church street in the vicinity of Gardiner lane, thence northeasterly, easterly and northeasterly along Church street to the easterly city line of Amsterdam, at state highway two hundred ninety-eight. Approximate length 1.5 miles.
1. Beginning at the westerly Auburn city line, south of Clark street, thence easterly on new location to Washington street, easterly on or in the vicinity of Clark and Dill streets and new location to Franklin street, Franklin street to Grant avenue and northeasterly along Grant avenue to the northerly Auburn city line, state highway five hundred ninety-two; also returning from Franklin street in the vicinity of John street westerly on new location to Jefferson street. Approximate length 4.4 miles.
2. Beginning at the intersection of North street in the vicinity of Water street, thence northerly along North street to the northerly Auburn city line, state highway one thousand three hundred seventeen. Approximate length 1.4 miles.
3. Beginning at the intersection of East Genesee and John streets, thence easterly along East Genesee street to the easterly Auburn city line, state highway nine thousand thirty-seven. Approximate length 1.2 miles.
4. Beginning at the southerly Auburn city line, state highway three hundred eighty-three, thence northwesterly and northerly on or in the vicinity of Owasco and Fulton streets to an intersection with Franklin street, including a connection from Fulton street along Grant avenue to Franklin street; also from the intersection of Walnut and Owasco streets northwesterly on or in the vicinity of Owasco and John streets to Franklin street. Approximate length 1.4 miles.
5. Beginning at a point on the westerly Auburn city line in the vicinity of West Genesee street, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence generally southerly and southeasterly on new location to the southerly Auburn city line. Approximate length 0.9 mile.
Beginning at a point on the westerly Batavia city line, at State Highway five hundred eighty-six, thence easterly along West and East Main Streets to the easterly city line at state highway fifty-one hundred forty-five-A. Approximate length 2.7 miles.
Beginning at a point on the southwesterly Batavia city line, at state highway eighty-two hundred eighty-three, thence northeasterly along Pearl Street to a point between Brooklyn Avenue and Franklin Street, thence northeasterly, over new location, crossing South Main Street and Tonawanda Creek to West Main Street in the vicinity of Oak Street. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
Beginning at a point on Oak Street on the northerly Batavia city line, as state highway eight hundred fifty-three, thence southerly along Oak Street to its intersection with West Main Street. Approximate length 1.2 miles.
Beginning at a point on Clinton Street on the easterly Batavia city line, at state highway eighty-one hundred seventy-nine, thence southwesterly along Clinton Street to its intersection with East Main Street. Approximate length 0.7 mile.
Beginning at a point on Walnut Street on the southerly Batavia city line, at state highway eighty-one hundred seventy-seven, thence northeasterly along Walnut Street to its intersection with West Main Street. Approximate length 0.7 mile.
Beginning at a point on Ellicott Street on the southerly Batavia city line, at state highway eighty hundred eighty-two, thence northwesterly along Ellicott Street to its intersection with East Main Street. Approximate length 1.6 miles.
City of Beacon
North-South route, beginning at the southerly city line, at a state highway as determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence generally northerly on new location to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, to Bank Square, thence through Bank Square to Main street, thence generally northeasterly on or in the vicinity of North avenue to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, to a state highway at the northerly city line. Approximate length 2.4 miles.
Beginning on Court street at the eastern city line of Binghamton, state highway one hundred twenty-seven, extending westerly along Court street to the Brandywine interchange, including a new bridge over the Susquehanna river in the vicinity of Tompkins street, thence southwesterly on new right of way along the north bank of the Susquehanna river to the State street bridge interchange including a connection from this interchange to the Memorial bridge over the Chenango river, a new bridge over the Susquehanna river in the vicinity of the confluence of the Chenango river and the Susquehanna river, and necessary connections and separations of intersecting streets, thence southerly on the State street bridge over the Susquehanna river to an interchange, thence westerly along an arterial highway to the western city line of Binghamton, state highway one thousand six hundred thirteen. Approximate length 6.5 miles.
Beginning at the Brandywine interchange and extending northerly on new location to Robinson street, including grade separations of the Erie-Lackawanna railroad, the Delaware and Hudson railroad, thence along a new location generally parallel to the Erie-Lackawanna railroad to the northern city line. The total cost of highway-railroad separations, of the two railroads described in this paragraph, shall be borne by the state and be paid for from any state or federal moneys available for the construction and reconstruction of highways, and such separations shall be progressed in accordance with the provisions of subdivision five of section three hundred forty-nine-c of this article. Approximate length 1.7 miles.
Beginning at Fuhrmann boulevard and the south city line of Buffalo, thence northerly on or in the vicinity of Fuhrmann boulevard to the Buffalo river, thence northerly across the Buffalo river to the vicinity of Church Street and the Upper and Lower Terrace to Court Street and in a general northwesterly direction to the Virginia-Carolina Arterial Route, including connections with the Niagara Section of the New York State Thruway on Church Street, Genesee Street and Court Street. Approximate length 4.6 miles. The elevated portion of said route shall be designated and known as "The Buffalo Skyway" and the high level bridge thereon, over the Union Ship canal, shall be designated and known as "The Father Baker Memorial Bridge" in honor of the Right Reverend Monsignor Nelson H. Baker, P.A., V. G., who devoted sixty years of his life in ministering to the poor of Erie county and western New York.
Beginning at Broadway and the east city line of Buffalo (State Highway No. 914), thence westerly along Broadway to Oak Street Approximately length 3.5 miles.
Beginning at or in the vicinity of Walden avenue and the east city line of Buffalo, thence westerly on location to be determined by the commissioner of transportation to an interchange with the Kensington expressway in the vicinity of the intersection of Best street and Herman street. Approximate length 2.6 miles.
Beginning at a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation on the east city line of Buffalo, thence westerly on new location south of and generally paralleling Roosevelt avenue and Andover avenue, crossing the Erie Lackawanna railway to the vicinity of Kensington avenue as established by the commissioner of transportation, thence southwesterly on or in the vicinity of Kensington avenue to an intersection with Humboldt parkway at East Delavan avenue, thence southerly along Humboldt parkway and an extension to Best street, continuing southerly in the vicinity of Herman street to the vicinity of Cherry street extended, thence southwesterly on or in the vicinity of Cherry street and its extension, to Goodell street as determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence westerly in the vicinity of Goodell street to the vicinity of Main street, thence westerly in the vicinity of Edward street to the vicinity of Delaware avenue, as determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 6.5 miles.
Beginning at Main street at the north city line of Buffalo state highway sixty-nine, thence southwesterly on or along Main street to an arterial route in the vicinity of Goodell street as determined by the commissioner of transportation; also from such arterial route in the vicinity of Goodell street southerly along Elm and Oak streets to a connection with an interchange on the Niagara thruway. Approximate length 6.7 miles.
Beginning at Delaware avenue and the north city line of Buffalo (State Highway No. 9220), thence southerly along Delaware avenue to West Tupper street. Approximate length 5.0 miles.
Beginning at Delaware avenue and the Delaware park roads crossing an intersection just south of Nottingham terrace, thence easterly and southeasterly along the southerly side of Delaware park to and along Humboldt parkway, and continuing to East Delavan avenue. Approximate length 1.3 miles.
Beginning at a point on the Niagara thruway north of Forest avenue and south of the north city line, thence generally northeasterly and easterly to Delaware avenue, as determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 2.6 miles.
Beginning at the intersection of Delaware avenue and the Delaware Park roads, thence generally westerly, following the course of Scajaquada creek, to a connection with the Niagara Thruway.
Beginning at the Church street connection with the New York State Thruway, easterly on or along Church street to Main street, thence from the intersection at Main street near South Division street southeasterly on new location to Washington street, continuing easterly on or along South Division street to Elm street; also from the intersection of North Division street and Elm street westerly on or along North Division street to Washington street, and continuing on new location southwesterly to Church street. Approximate length 0.9 mile.
Beginning at the northerly Canandaigua city line at state highway four hundred eighty-four, thence southerly along North Main Street and continuing along South Main Street to Henry and Moran Streets. Approximate length 2.0 miles.
Beginning at South Main street in the vicinity of Henry and Moran streets, thence easterly and southeasterly, on new location to a point on the easterly Canandaigua city line to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 1.2 miles.
Beginning at the westerly Canandaigua city line on state highway fifty-five hundred seventy-six, thence easterly on new location, south of West Avenue to Thadchapin Street, thence along West Avenue to South Main Street. Approximate length 0.9 mile.
Beginning at the easterly Canandaigua city line on state highway twelve hundred seventy-eight, thence westerly along Gibson Street to North Main Street. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
Beginning at the westerly Canandaigua city line south of Parrish Street, thence easterly on new location to South Main Street, in the vicinity of Henry and Moran Streets. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
Beginning at or near the intersection of state highway two hundred seven and state highway one hundred eighty-nine at or near the south city line, thence northerly, on new location, to a point on the easterly city line to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 0.13 mile.
City of Cohoes
Beginning at the southerly city line of Cohoes, thence northwesterly on or near Dyke avenue to Saratoga street, thence northerly on or near Saratoga street to the northerly line of the city of Cohoes. Approximate length 1.3 miles.
Beginning at the new bridge across the Chemung River, at the easterly city line, thence in a northwesterly direction through Denison Park to Erie Avenue, thence continuing westerly on Erie Avenue to State Street, thence continuing in a westerly direction on new location crossing the New York Central Railroad and the Chemung River by a new bridge henceforth to be known as the "Benjamin Patterson bridge," to the westerly city line of Corning. Approximate length 3.04 miles.
Beginning at the northerly city line of Corning, at state highway number one thousand seven hundred forty-five, continuing southerly on Baker Street or a new location to East Pulteney Street, thence southerly on Centerway or a new location, crossing the Chemung river on a new structure, thence along Cedar Street to a junction with state highway fifty-three nineteen. Approximate length 1.3 miles.
Beginning at or near the intersection of Erie Avenue and Conhocton Street, thence southerly along Park Avenue to the southerly city line of Corning State Highway No. 850. Approximate length 0.45 miles.
Beginning at a point on the north city line of Cortland, east of the west branch of the Tioughnioga River, thence southeasterly, easterly and generally paralleling the west branch of the Tioughnioga River to a point on the easterly line of the city of Cortland, Approximate length 1.4 miles.
Beginning at the southwest city line of Cortland, State Highway No. 215, thence northeasterly along Tompkins Street to South Main Street and easterly along Port Watson Street to the easterly city line, State Highway No. 378. Approximate length 2.3 miles.
Beginning at the intersection of Port Watson and Church Streets, thence northerly along North Church Street to Grant Street, continuing northerly and northwesterly on new location to the northerly line of the city of Cortland, east of Homer Avenue. Approximate length 1. miles.
Beginning at the westerly city line, State Highway No. 8522, thence northeasterly along West Street to the northerly city line, State Highway No. 8522. Approximate length 0.7 miles.
Beginning at the intersection of Church Street and Clinton Avenue in the city of Cortland, thence northeasterly along Clinton Avenue to the northerly line of the city of Cortland, State Highway No. 738. Approximate length 1.2 miles.
Beginning at the Dunkirk city line, state highway eight thousand three hundred forty-four, thence northeasterly along Lake Shore drive to the city line of Dunkirk, state highway eight thousand three hundred four. Approximate length 3.1 miles.
Beginning at the southerly city line of Dunkirk, state highway FASH 65-14, thence northwesterly on or in the vicinity of Lamphere street to Maple avenue, continuing on or in the vicinity of Maple avenue, and on or in the vicinity of Main street to a connection with the Lake Shore Drive. Approximate length 1.0 miles.
City of Elmira
1. Beginning at the southerly city line of Elmira, state highway twenty-nine, thence northeasterly along Pennsylvania avenue and Sly street to and on Madison avenue, northerly to a point north of the D.L. & W.R.R. underpass as determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence generally northeasterly on new location to an intersection with the "Elmira-Horseheads Connection," described in section three hundred forty-one of this chapter, including necessary connections to local streets. Approximate length 3.5 miles.
2. Beginning at the westerly city line of Elmira, state highway nine hundred forty-six, thence easterly along West Church street and East Church street to an intersection with said "Elmira-Horseheads Connection". Approximate length 2.4 miles.
3. Beginning at the southwesterly or southerly city line of Elmira, at a state highway as determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence generally northeasterly or northerly on new location crossing the Chemung river on a new structure and continuing on a route to be determined by the commissioner of transportation to a point in the vicinity of state highway one thousand three hundred seventy-eight, at the north city line of Elmira, including necessary connections to local streets and other arterial routes. Approximate length 4.2 miles.
City of Fulton
1. Beginning at the southeasterly Fulton city line, to state highway five thousand two hundred fifty-one thence northwesterly along South First street to South Fourth street, thence northerly along South Fourth street to a point north of the former New York, Ontario and Western railway crossing, thence northwesterly on new location to South Second street in the vicinity of Division street, thence northerly along South Second street, North Second street and new location to the northerly city line of Fulton, state highway five thousand three hundred eighty-two. Approximate length 3.0 miles.
2. Beginning at a point on the westerly city line of Fulton, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, in the vicinity of Phillips street, thence southeasterly, on new location, to a point on West Broadway in the vicinity of West Fifth street, thence easterly along West Broadway and East Broadway to the vicinity of Eighth street, thence northeasterly and northerly on new location to a point on Oneida street in the vicinity of Eleventh street, thence easterly along Oneida street to the easterly Fulton city line, state highway one thousand four hundred twenty-seven. Approximate length 2.7 miles.
Beginning at the westerly Geneva city line, at state highway fifty-four hundred seventy-three, thence easterly along Hamilton Street to South Main Street, including a traffic interchange to South Main Street, thence easterly and northerly, on new location, along the Seneca Lake, crossing the Lake Road, thence easterly and generally parallel to and north of the Lake Road, on new location, to the easterly Geneva city line, including a traffic interchange connection with an arterial route in the vicinity of Evans Street. Approximate length 2.5 miles.
City of Glen Cove
Beginning at a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation on the southerly city line of Glen Cove, west of Cedar Swamp road, thence northerly and northwesterly on new location to Pratt boulevard. Approximate length 1.1 miles.
City of Glens Falls
1. Beginning at the southerly city line at state highway five thousand five hundred ninety-eight, thence northwesterly along Glen street to the northerly city line, state highway four hundred seventeen. Approximate length 1.7 miles.
2. Beginning at the intersection of Chester and Glen streets, thence easterly along Chester street, Grand street and Dix avenue to a point near the east city line as established by the commissioner of transportation, thence on new location southerly to connect with Warren street at the east city line, state highway six hundred fifty-six. Approximate length 2.0 miles.
City of Gloversville
Beginning at a point on the westerly city line of Gloversville to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence easterly and northeasterly generally paralleling the southerly city line of Gloversville to a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation on the southerly city line of Gloversville south of Steele avenue, including connections to Harrison street and South Kingsboro avenue; also at the intersection of Harrison street and the above described arterial route southerly along Harrison street to the southerly city line of Gloversville, state highway five hundred forty-four. Approximate length 1.5 miles.
Beginning at a point on the southerly city line, in the vicinity of state highway five thousand two hundred twelve, thence northerly on or along Canisteo street and continuing northerly on new location, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, to the north city line, in the vicinity of state highway five thousand one hundred thirty. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the commissioner of transportation shall, pending completion of the portion of the above route on new location between Canisteo street and the north city line, take over, for purposes of maintenance and repair as a part of the system of highways of the state, Seneca street, including the bridge over Canacadea Creek, between Main street and the north city line. The commissioner of transportation, as he determines is necessary, shall repair, alter or reconstruct said highway and bridge in order to provide a safe highway and bridge for use as a part of state touring route thirty-six and as a haul road for the construction of the portion of the above route on new location. Upon completion of the above route, the commissioner of transportation shall by an official order abandon the state's rights in said Seneca street, including the bridge over Canacadea Creek, to the city of Hornell; said street to be maintained thereafter as a part of the street system of such city. Approximate length 2.1 miles.
Beginning at the western city line, state highway five thousand three hundred forty-two, thence southeasterly along West Main street and Main street, to an intersection with the arterial route described in the above paragraph. Approximate length 0.6 mile.
Beginning at the Hudson city line, State Highway No. 5073, (Touring Route No. 9), thence northerly along Worth Avenue to Warren Street, thence northwesterly along Warren Street to Park Place, thence northeasterly along Park Place to Columbia Street, thence easterly along Columbia Street to Green Street, thence northeasterly and easterly along Green Street to Fairview Avenue, thence northerly along Fairview Avenue to the Hudson city line, (Touring Route No. 9), connecting with State Highway No. 341. Approximate length 1.3 miles.
Beginning at the Hudson city line, State Highway No. 8341, (Touring Route No. 9-G), thence northerly along South Third Street to North Third Street, thence northerly along North Third Street to Columbia Street, thence southeasterly along Columbia Street to Park Place, in the city of Hudson, (Touring Route No. 9-G connecting with Touring Route No. 9). Approximate length 1.5 miles.
Beginning at the intersection of Green Street and Fairview Avenue, in the city of Hudson, (Touring Route No. 23 connecting with Touring Route No. 9), thence southeasterly along Green Street to the Hudson city line, (Touring Route No. 23), connecting with State Highway No. 650. Approximate length 0.1 mile.
City of Ithaca
1. Beginning at a point on the northerly Ithaca city line, east of Cliff street, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence southerly and southeasterly, on new location, crossing over the Lehigh Valley railroad tracks, Taughannock boulevard and Cayuga Inlet to North Meadow street, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, including a connection with Taughannock boulevard, thence southerly along North Meadow street and South Meadow street to Elmira road and southwesterly along Elmira road to the southerly Ithaca city line, state highway four hundred fifty-four. Approximate length 3.1 miles.
2. Beginning at the southerly Ithaca city line, state highway seventy-two, thence northwesterly and westerly along East State street to a point on East State street, west of Schuyler Place, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence northwesterly on new location, to East Seneca street, east of North Aurora street, thence westerly along East Seneca street and West Seneca street to North Meadow street. Approximate length 1.9 miles.
3. Beginning at the intersection of South Meadow street and Green street, thence easterly along Green street to South Tioga street, thence easterly and northeasterly, on new location, crossing South Aurora street, to a point on East State street, west of Schuyler Place, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 0.8 mile.
4. Beginning at a connection with an arterial route on North Meadow street, thence northeasterly and northerly over new location west of Lake road to a point on the easterly Ithaca city line to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 1.3 miles.
1. Beginning at a point on the westerly city line of Jamestown, state highway one thousand three hundred eighty-A, thence easterly on or near Fairmount avenue to or near its intersection with West Sixth street, thence easterly along West Sixth street and East Sixth street to Prendergast avenue, thence southerly on or in the vicinity of Prendergast avenue to East Fourth street, also from a point on Fairmount avenue on or near its intersection with West Sixth street, thence generally easterly to West Fifth street, thence easterly along West Fifth street and East Fifth street to Prendergast avenue, with a connection from East Sixth street southerly on or in the vicinity of Spring street to East Fourth street, thence easterly along East Fourth street to East Second street, thence northeasterly on or near East Second street to the easterly city line of Jamestown, state highway five thousand sixty-seven. Approximate length 4.4 miles.
2. Beginning at a point on state highway one thousand twenty-six near the northern city line of Jamestown, thence westerly and southerly on new location to the intersection of Fluvanna avenue and Washington street. Approximate length 0.6 miles.
3. Beginning at the westerly city line of Jamestown, state highway five thousand two hundred seventeen, thence southeasterly along Fluvanna avenue to Washington street, thence southerly along Washington street to West Second street, thence southerly on new location passing over the tracks of the Erie Railroad and the Chadakoin river, on a new structure over Steele street and Barrett avenue including connections to both thoroughfares, thence easterly on new location to South Main street at or near its intersection with Allen street, continuing easterly on or in the vicinity of Allen street to Foote avenue, thence southerly along Foote avenue to the southerly city line of Jamestown, state highway nine hundred forty. Approximate length 3.6 miles.
4. Beginning at a point on the southern city line of Jamestown thence running northeasterly along Forest avenue to a point on a state arterial 62-5. Approximate length 1.1 miles.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of section three hundred forty-nine-d, the arterial highway described in paragraph four above shall, as of April first, nineteen hundred eighty, be deemed a portion of the system of state arterial highways.
6. Beginning at the intersection of McDaniel avenue and Fairmont avenue near the western city line of Jamestown, thence southerly along McDaniel avenue and easterly along Third street to Washington street. Approximate length 1.4 miles.
City of Johnstown
1. Beginning at a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on the southerly city line of Johnstown, thence northeasterly and northerly to East State street, thence northerly and northeasterly to a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on the easterly city line of Johnstown, including connections to South Melcher street, South Pearl street, Glebe street, Fonclair street, East State street, state highway three hundred sixty-one, Main street and Briggs street. Approximate length 3.2 miles.
2. Beginning at a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on the westerly city line of Johnstown, thence easterly on new location to Pleasant avenue between Hoffman and Mason streets, continuing easterly on new location to Baker street, continuing easterly on Baker and Briggs streets to an intersection with an arterial highway, thence northeasterly on new location to North East avenue near St. Anthony's Cemetery, continuing northeasterly on North East avenue to the easterly city line of Johnstown, state highway five hundred forty-four. Approximate length 1.6 miles.
Beginning at the Kingston city line, state highway five thousand one hundred seventy-three, thence southerly along Washington avenue to North Front street in the city of Kingston. Approximate length 0.4 mile.
Beginning at a point on the south city line of Kingston, state highway five thousand five hundred ninety-nine-D, on a new bridge over Rondout creek east of Broadway, thence generally northerly on new location crossing Delaware avenue and continuing east of East Chester street to the northerly city line of Kingston, state highway nine thousand three hundred sixty. Approximate length 1.9 miles. The entire length of which shall be designated and known as "The Frank Koenig Boulevard".
Beginning at a point on the arterial route in the vicinity of Delaware avenue, thence on or along Delaware avenue to Broadway, thence northwesterly along Broadway to the vicinity of Saint James street to a connection with interstate route connection 530, including thereat an intersection with Albany avenue. Approximate length 1.3 miles.
Beginning at the intersection of Broadway, East Saint James street and Albany avenue, in the city of Kingston, thence northeasterly along Albany avenue to the northerly city line of Kingston, state highway five thousand. Approximate length 1.2 miles.
City of Lackawanna
1. Beginning at the southerly line of the city of Lackawanna, state highway five thousand seventy-one, thence northerly along Hamburg turnpike to the Lackawanna-Buffalo city line. Approximate length 2.0 miles.
2. Beginning at the southerly line of the city of Lackawanna, McKinley parkway, thence northerly on new location to a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation on the Lackawanna-Buffalo city line. Approximate length 2.0 miles.
3. Beginning at Hamburg turnpike north of Smokes creek, thence easterly on new location to a connection with a north-south arterial route in the vicinity of Martin road and the B. & O.R.R. Approximate length 1.8 miles.
4. Beginning at a connection with an arterial route in the city of Lackawanna, thence easterly along Ridge road to the easterly line of the city of Lackawanna. Approximate length 1.1 miles.
City of Little Falls
1. Beginning at the westerly Little Falls city line, state highway four hundred fifty-seven, thence northeasterly along West Main street to the vicinity of West John street, easterly on and along West John and East John streets to South Second street, and continuing on new location to a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on High Level road, thence easterly and southeasterly along High Level road to the easterly Little Falls city line, state highway eight thousand four hundred ninety-eight-A; also from the intersection of East and West John streets with South Ann street, thence northerly along South Ann street to Albany street, thence westerly along Albany street and new location to a connection with the arterial route on and along West John street in the vicinity of Fifth street, including necessary connections to local streets. Approximate length 3.1 miles.
2. Beginning at a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on the southerly Little Falls city line east of the Mohawk river, thence northeasterly and northerly on new location crossing the Barge canal and the Mohawk river to the bridge over the Penn Central railroad, continuing northerly to Albany street, including connections to local streets. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
3. Beginning at a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on High Level road, thence easterly on new location to a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on the easterly Little Falls city line south of Loomis street. Approximate length 0.4 mile.
4. Beginning at a point, in the vicinity of East Main and Ward streets, on an arterial highway, thence southeasterly on new location to a point on the Little Falls city line, resuming on new location from a point on the city line, southeasterly to a point on the Little Falls city line, continuing from a point on the Little Falls city line southerly and southeasterly on new location, crossing the Mohawk river and the Barge canal to a point on the easterly city line between the Barge canal and the West Shore branch of the Penn Central railroad. Approximate length 1.1 miles.
City of Lockport
1. Beginning at the westerly city line from state highway nine thousand ninety-four, thence easterly along West avenue, West Genesee street and West Genesee street extended on to a new structure over the Barge canal to Walnut street, thence northeasterly along Walnut street and Walnut street extended to a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation on the easterly city line of Lockport. Approximate length 3.3 miles.
2. Beginning at a point on the south side of the westerly "City Line Extension", west of Upper Mountain road, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence northerly on new location to a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation on the north side of the said City Line Extension, west of Upper Mountain road. Approximate length 0.05 mile.
3. Beginning at a point on the southerly city line from state highway five hundred seven, thence northerly along South Transit street to its intersection with the West Genesee street--Walnut street arterial. Approximate length 1.1 miles.
4. Beginning at the intersection with the West Genesee street-Walnut street arterial, thence northerly along North Transit street to West avenue, thence generally northeasterly on new location to Gooding street in the vicinity of Clinton street as determined by the commissioner of transportation, continuing generally northeasterly on new location or along Clinton street and Lake avenue, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, to the northerly city line, at state highway seven hundred fifty-nine. Approximate length 2.0 miles.
5. Beginning at the southerly city line of Lockport, thence running generally northwesterly across the New York State Barge Canal, thence continuing generally northwesterly to the westerly city line of Lockport. Approximate length 1.06 miles.
City of Long Beach
Beginning at the westerly Long Beach city line, Park avenue, thence easterly along Park avenue to the easterly Long Beach city line, connecting with Long Beach expressway as projected in subdivision twenty-nine of section three hundred forty-one of the highway law. Approximate length three miles.
City of Mechanicville
1. Beginning at a point on the southerly Mechanicville city line west of the Delaware and Hudson railway, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence northerly, on new location, westerly of the Delaware and Hudson railway to a point on Central avenue, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence continuing northerly along Central avenue to Saratoga avenue, thence northerly on new location, westerly of the Boston and Maine railroad to a point on the northerly Mechanicville city line, in the vicinity of Mulberry avenue, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 1.5 miles.
2. Beginning at a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation south of Warsaw avenue, thence westerly, on new location, north of and generally parallel to Saratoga avenue to a point on the westerly Mechanicville city line, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 0.4 mile.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of section three hundred forty-nine-d of this article, the commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to assume jurisdiction for state arterial highway purposes over the bridge described as follows: "all of that bridge structure spanning the Hudson river lying within the city limits of Mechanicville, and known as the Mechanicville-Hemstreet Park bridge".
City of Middletown
1. Beginning at the southerly Middletown city line, state highway ninety-five, thence northeasterly on new location to Genung street, continuing generally northerly on new location on or in the vicinity of the abandoned right of way of the New York, Ontario and Western railway to the northerly Middletown city line, as determined by the commissioner, including a connection to state highway five thousand two hundred ten at the northerly Middletown city line. Approximate length 2.3 miles.
2. Beginning at a point to be determined by the commissioner on the easterly Middletown city/Wallkill town line, thence westerly along Wickam avenue to a point to be determined by the commissioner just west of Wisner avenue. Approximate length 0.3 miles.
City of Mt. Vernon
1. Cross-Westchester arterial, from a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on the westerly city line of Mt. Vernon, south on Mount Vernon avenue, thence southeasterly, on new location crossing the Bronx river to the vicinity of the Penn Central railroad, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of the Penn Central railroad to the abandoned right of way of the New York, Westchester and Boston railroad, east of North Columbus avenue, continuing generally easterly on or in the vicinity of the abandoned railroad right of way to the vicinity of Lincoln avenue, thence southeasterly on new location to a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on the easterly city line of Mt. Vernon, south of Lincoln avenue. Approximate length 2.1 miles.
2. Beginning at a point on the southerly city line of Mt. Vernon, thence northeasterly and northerly on or in the vicinity of the abandoned right of way of the New York, Westchester and Boston railroad to the vicinity of Fourth street, continuing northerly on new location to a connection with the Cross-Westchester arterial north of the Penn Central railroad in the vicinity of North Fulton avenue. Approximate length 2.0 miles.
3. Beginning at an interchange with the Cross-Westchester arterial in the vicinity of Wilson Woods park, thence northeasterly on or in the vicinity of the abandoned right of way of the New York, Westchester and Boston railroad to the north city line of Mt. Vernon, east of Cross County parkway. Approximate length 0.9 mile.
Route 9W alternate, beginning at a point, to be determined by the commissioner, on the southerly city line of Newburgh, west of Lake street, thence northwesterly and northerly to a connection with interstate route 503 in the vicinity of the northerly city line of Newburgh, including traffic interchanges at Broadway and South street. Approximate length 1.7 miles.
South street arterial, beginning at the westerly city line of Newburgh, state highway eight thousand four hundred eight, thence southeasterly and easterly along DuPont avenue and South street to Downing park, continuing easterly through Downing park to and along South street to Liberty street in the city of Newburgh. Approximate length 2.1 miles.
Broadway connection, beginning at the westerly city line of Newburgh, state highway one hundred thirteen, thence easterly along Broadway to Route 9W alternate, and continuing to a connection to West street. Approximate length 0.8 mile.
Riverfront route, beginning at a point, to be determined by the commissioner, on the southerly city line of Newburgh, at a state highway, thence generally northerly on or parallel to Water street and on new location as determined by the commissioner, to the northerly city line. Approximate length 2.1 miles.
1. Post Road Arterial, beginning at the westerly city line, State Highway No. 5374, thence easterly along Main Street to the easterly city line, State Highway No. 5372; also beginning at the easterly intersection of Huguenot Street and Main Street, thence westerly along Huguenot Street to its westerly intersection with Main Street near Webster Avenue. Approximate length 3.4 miles.
2. Memorial Highway, beginning at the intersection of Mechanic and Main Streets, thence northerly along Mechanic Street to its junction with Division Street, thence southerly along Division Street to an intersection with Main Street, resuming from the junction of Mechanic and Division Streets, northerly along Division Street and a new location to Cross-Westchester Arterial, including a connection to Lincoln Avenue. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
3. Cross-Westchester Arterial, beginning at the westerly city line, at a point on or in the vicinity of the abandoned right of way of the New York, Westchester and Boston Railroad, thence easterly along the said abandoned railroad right of way to North Avenue, including a connection with the New England Thruway Interchange. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
4. Pine Brook Arterial, beginning at a point on State Highway No. 19, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence southerly and westerly along Pine Brook Boulevard and new location to an intersection with Palmer Avenue, thence westerly along Palmer Avenue Extension, to Cedar Street. Approximate length 4.4 miles.
5. Cedar Street Arterial, beginning at a point on the New England Thruway Interchange, thence southerly along Cedar Street to Huguenot Street, and southerly on new location to an intersection with Main Street at Franklin Avenue, with a connection along Harrison Street to Main Street, thence from a point at the intersection of Harrison Street and Main Street in a general southwesterly direction to Locust Avenue; also from the intersection of Main Street and Echo Avenue northerly along Echo Avenue and River Street across Palmer Avenue Extension to a point on the New England Thruway Interchange in the vicinity of Cedar Street. Approximate length 1.10 miles.
1. Beginning at a traffic interchange with Niagara section of the New York State Thruway, in the vicinity of sixty-fifth street, thence easterly along the right of way of the Penn Central railroad to a point on the easterly city line of Niagara Falls, north of Buffalo avenue. Approximate length 2.3 miles.
2. Beginning in the vicinity of the intersection of Niagara street and Main street, thence along Main street to Ferry avenue, thence easterly along Ferry avenue and its continuations to an intersection with Packard road and Pine avenue, continuing easterly along Pine avenue to the easterly city line of Niagara Falls. Also from an intersection with Packard road and Pine avenue westerly along Walnut avenue to Main street, thence along Main street to Ferry avenue. Approximate length 8.8 miles.
3. Beginning at the intersection of Main street and First street, thence southerly on or near First street to Jefferson avenue, thence on or near Jefferson avenue to a connection with an arterial route in the vicinity of Buffalo avenue, including necessary connections, as determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
4. Beginning at an interchange with the Robert Moses parkway in the vicinity of Porter park, thence generally northerly to Walnut avenue between eighth and ninth streets, thence northeasterly to eleventh street in the vicinity of Portage road, thence generally northerly on or along eleventh street to Garden avenue, thence northeasterly on or in the vicinity of Highland avenue to an intersection with Hyde park boulevard, including connections to Whirlpool street via Cleveland and Niagara avenues. Approximate length 4.3 miles.
5. Beginning at an interchange with an east-west arterial route in the vicinity of Buffalo avenue, thence northwesterly along Hyde Park boulevard to the northerly city line of Niagara Falls, including necessary connections to Buffalo avenue. Approximate length 3.8 miles.
6. Beginning at an interchange with interstate route 506, at or near the North Grand Island bridge, thence generally in a westerly direction to a point at or near the southerly approach of Rainbow bridge in the city of Niagara Falls.
7. Beginning at the intersection of Pine avenue and Military road, thence northwesterly on or along Military road to the northerly city line, state highway nine thousand two hundred ninety. Approximate length 0.15 mile.
1. Beginning at a point on the southerly North Tonawanda city line, on a new bridge to be constructed over the Tonawanda creek, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, in the vicinity of Division street extended, thence northerly on new location, to Division street, thence northerly along Division street to Erie avenue, including a connection to Sweeney street and Nash road, also Wheatfield street, thence northeasterly along Erie avenue to Niagara Falls boulevard, thence southeasterly along Niagara Falls boulevard to Shawnee road, thence northerly along Shawnee road to the northerly North Tonawanda city line, state highway seven hundred thirteen. Approximate length 3.0 miles.
2. Beginning at a point on the southerly North Tonawanda city line, on a new bridge to be constructed over the Tonawanda creek, west of Main street, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence northerly, on new location, to a point on River road between Thompson street and Robinson street, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, including connections to Goundry street and Thompson street, thence northerly and northwesterly along River road to the westerly North Tonawanda city line, state highway sixteen hundred thirty-five. Approximate length 3.0 miles.
3. Beginning at the intersection of Division street and Erie avenue, thence northwesterly on or along the old international railway right-of-way to an intersection with Payne avenue, thence northwesterly on or along Payne avenue to Warner avenue and westerly on or along Warner avenue to the west city line, state highway one thousand six hundred thirty-five; also from Warner avenue northerly on or along Ward road to the north city line, state highway six hundred forty-three. Approximate length 3.0 miles.
4. Beginning at the intersection of River Road and Wheatfield street, thence easterly on or along Wheatfield street to Nash road. Approximate length 0.92 mile.
City of Norwich
1. Beginning at the southerly Norwich city line, state highway five thousand four hundred fourteen, thence northerly along South Broad and North Broad streets to the northerly city line, state highway five hundred five. Approximate length 1.7 miles.
2. Beginning at the intersection of Broad and East Main streets in the city of Norwich, thence easterly along East Main street to the vicinity of Olendorf Place, thence on new location northeasterly to a point, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, on the easterly city line. Approximate length 0.9 mile.
City of Ogdensburg
1. Beginning at a point on the southwesterly Ogdensburg city line, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence easterly on new location to a point on the south city line, west of the Oswegatchie river; also farther east on the south city line from a point in the vicinity of Rosseel street, thence northeasterly on new location to Proctor avenue, including connections therefrom to Ford street in the vicinity of Proctor avenue and to Proctor avenue at the approach to the bridge to Canada, thence continuing easterly on or near Proctor avenue to a point on the east city line as determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 3.9 miles.
2. Beginning at the southerly Ogdensburg city line, state highway one thousand three hundred eighty-eight, thence northerly along State street to Washington street. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
3. Beginning from a state highway on the westerly city line, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of Main street to Adams avenue, continuing on new location crossing the Oswegatchie river to a connection with Green and Washington streets, thence on or along Green street to Ford street approach, returning westerly on Ford street and on new location and on or along Washington street to the Oswegatchie river crossing approach. Approximate length 4.5 miles.
Beginning at the westerly Olean city line, state highway six hundred one, thence easterly along West State street to and along East State street to the easterly Olean city line, state highway seven hundred seven hundred thirty-one. Approximate length 3.3 miles.
Beginning at the southerly Olean city line, state highway nine thousand ninety-two, thence northeasterly and northerly along South Union street and North Union street to Main street, thence on new location northerly and northeasterly to a point, to be determined by the commissioner, on Main street and continuing northerly on Main street to the northerly Olean city line, state highway five thousand sixty-six. Approximate length 3.1 miles.
Beginning at the intersection of Front street and East State street in the city of Olean, thence northerly and northwesterly along Front street to Main street, thence on new location northwesterly to an intersection with the north-south arterial route in the city of Olean. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
Beginning at a traffic interchange with the Southern Tier expressway, in the vicinity of Buffalo street, thence generally southeasterly on or in the vicinity of Buffalo street, and continuing to the Penn-Central railroad tracks, thence generally southerly to a connection with West State street, as determined by the commissioner. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
City of Oneida
1. Beginning at the southerly Oneida city line, Main street, thence northwesterly along Main street and North Main street to the vicinity of Monahan street, continuing northwesterly on new location to a point on the northerly Oneida city line, east of North Main street as determined by the commissioner of transportation, including a connection to Williams street in the vicinity of Gladwell avenue. Approximate length 2.5 miles.
2. Beginning at the westerly Oneida city line, state highway one thousand eight hundred twenty-one, thence easterly along Lenox avenue to Main street, continuing easterly on new location to Lexington avenue in the vicinity of Pearl street, continuing easterly along or in the vicinity of Pearl street and across the former N.Y.O. & W. Ry. to Walnut street in the vicinity of Prospect street, continuing easterly on or in the vicinity of Prospect street to a point on the easterly Oneida city line, as determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 1.7 miles.
Beginning at a point to be determined by the commissioner on the southwesterly city line in the vicinity of the Delaware and Hudson railroad, thence generally easterly on new location north of and generally parallel to the Susquehanna river to the city line east of Grand Street extended, this route also includes the following: a connection northerly to the north city line, as determined by the commissioner, in the vicinity near the southwesterly city line; also a connection northerly along Grand street extended and northerly on or near Grand street to Main street; also from a point on the city line in the vicinity of Factory street generally easterly to a point on the northerly city line as determined by the commissioner. Approximate length 4.9 miles.
Beginning at the southerly city line at state highway five thousand four hundred fifty-five, thence northerly and northeasterly along Main street to a point near Grand street. Approximate length 0.9 mile.
City of Oswego
1. Beginning at the westerly Oswego city line from state highway two hundred eighty northeasterly along West Seneca street to West Bridge street, thence easterly along West Bridge street to East Bridge street, continuing easterly along East Bridge street to a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on East Bridge street between Duer street and East 10th street, thence southeasterly on new location to a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on State road between East 11th street and East 12th street, thence easterly along State road to the city line at state highway five hundred nine. Approximate length 3.5 miles.
2. Beginning at the southerly city line from state highway five thousand three hundred eighty-two, thence northerly along East River road to a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, south of the intersection of East River road and Syracuse avenue, thence northwesterly on new location along the east shore of the Oswego river to an intersection with East First street south of East Albany street, thence northerly along East First street to the East Bridge street arterial. Approximate length 2.5 miles.
3. Beginning at the southerly city line from state highway two hundred seventy-nine northerly and northwesterly along West River road to West First street, thence northerly along West First street to the West Bridge street arterial. Approximate length 2.3 miles.
Beginning at the southerly city line at Peekskill, state highway six hundred fifty-seven, thence northerly along the Briarcliff-Peekskill parkway (Route 9 By-pass) to and across the Peekskill Bay bridge to the northerly city line of Peekskill, state highway nine thousand two hundred ninety-seven. Approximate length 2.6 miles.
Beginning at a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on Main street, west of Spring street, thence easterly on new location to Central avenue, west of Depew street, thence northeasterly along Central avenue, Park street, East Park street and new location to and along Main street in the vicinity of the easterly city line of Peekskill connecting with state highway one thousand three hundred nine, including a spur easterly to a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, on the city line in the vicinity of McGregory brook, also returning from a point on this route westerly to Main street, east of Husted avenue and continuing westerly along Main street to a traffic interchange with the Briarcliff-Peekskill parkway (Route 9 By-pass) in the city of Peekskill. Approximate length 4.0 miles.
Beginning at the intersection of the Briarcliff-Peekskill parkway (Route 9 By-pass) and the Peekskill Bay bridge, thence generally northeasterly and easterly along the Bear Mountain state parkway in the city of Peekskill to the northeasterly city line. Approximate length 2.2 miles.
City of Plattsburgh
1. Beginning at a point on the westerly line of the city of Plattsburgh, south of Rugar street, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence northeasterly on new location to Rugar street, south of Broad street, continuing northeasterly along Rugar street to Broad street, and easterly along Broad street to Oak street northerly along Oak street and new location to the northerly city line, and returning southerly along North Catherine street extended, to and along North Catherine street to Broad street. Approximate length 4.3 miles.
2. Beginning at the westerly city line, state highway seven hundred seventy-seven, thence easterly along Cornelia street to Broad street, and southeasterly along Broad street to Rugar street. Approximate length 0.8 mile.
3. Beginning at the westerly city line, south of Miller road, thence northeasterly on new location to the north city line west of Prospect avenue. Approximate length 0.4 mile.
City of Port Jervis
1. Beginning at the northwesterly Port Jervis city line at a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence on new location southeasterly and northeasterly to Canal street, and on or near Canal street to the vicinity of Hamilton street, thence on new location northeasterly to a point on the northeast city line to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 2.4 miles.
2. Beginning at a point on the arterial route in the vicinity of Canal street, thence on new location, southwesterly, including an addition to the existing separation of grades with the Erie Lackawanna railway, to King street and on or near King street to a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation in the vicinity of Fourth street, continuing southeasterly on new location to a point on the Port Jervis southeasterly city line to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 1.5 miles.
3. Beginning at the Delaware River bridge in the city of Port Jervis, thence northeasterly along Pike street to another arterial on or in the vicinity of King street. Approximate length 0.1 mile.
City of Poughkeepsie
1. Beginning at the southerly Poughkeepsie city line, state highway two hundred twenty-three, thence northerly along South avenue to Phoenix street, and northerly and northwesterly on new location to Prospect street in the vicinity of Livingston street, thence northerly on or in the vicinity of Prospect and Tulip streets to an interchange with the easterly approach of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Mid-Hudson bridge, continuing northerly on new location to North Water street, thence northeasterly on or in the vicinity of North Water street and its extension to a point on the northerly city line, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, west of Delafield street. Approximate length 2.5 miles.
2. Beginning at the easterly approach of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Mid-Hudson bridge, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of Church street to a point at or near the junction of Main and Church streets, thence continuing easterly on new location to the easterly city line in the vicinity of state highway five hundred forty-nine;
ALSO, BEGINNING at the easterly city line in the vicinity of Maple street, thence westerly along Maple street to Pershing avenue, thence on new location to Winnikee avenue and continuing on or in the vicinity of Winnikee avenue and Mill street to Washington street. Thence southerly on or along Washington street and Washington street extended to Church street.
Beginning at the east approach of the South Mall Expressway bridge near the intersection of Columbia street and Broadway, thence southerly on or along Columbia street to the easterly Rensselaer city line, connecting with state highway two hundred two. Approximate length 0.6 mile.
Beginning at the southerly Rensselaer city line, state highway one thousand one hundred fifteen, thence running generally northerly on or in the vicinity of South street to a connection with the Columbia street arterial highway. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
City of Rochester
Beginning at the westerly Rochester city line, state highway two hundred fifty-four, thence northeasterly on or in the vicinity of Chili avenue to a point near Rugby avenue to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence easterly on new location to a point on Genesee street south of Clifton street to be determined by the commissioner, thence continuing easterly on new location generally parallel to Tremont street to a crossing of the Penn Central railroad, thence northeasterly on new location crossing Clarissa street south of Atkinson street and continuing to an intersection in the vicinity of Troup street and Plymouth avenue south, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of Troup street to Exchange street, thence easterly on new location crossing the Genesee river to South avenue near Howell street, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of Howell street to Monroe avenue, thence easterly over new location to intersect Union street at a point between George street and Monroe avenue, thence northerly on or in the vicinity of Union street to Main street East, thence northwesterly on or in the vicinity of Joslyn Place and Delevan street to North street, thence westerly on or in the vicinity of Cumberland street to intersect North Water street in the vicinity of Central avenue, thence westerly on or in the vicinity of Central avenue crossing the Genesee river to State street, thence westerly on or in the vicinity of Allen street to intersect Plymouth avenue North, thence southerly on or in the vicinity of Plymouth avenue North to intersect Main street West, thence continuing southerly on or in the vicinity of Plymouth avenue South to Broad street, thence continuing southerly on or in the vicinity of School Alley to an intersection in the vicinity of School Alley and Troup street. Approximate length 5.52 miles.
Beginning at the westerly Rochester city line, state highway eighty-three, thence easterly and northeasterly on or in the vicinity of Buffalo road to a point west of Mt. Read boulevard to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence northeasterly over new location to an intersection near Independence street and Handy street. Approximate length 0.7 mile.
Beginning at the westerly Rochester city line, state highway two hundred fifty-three, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of Lyell avenue to an intersection at Mt. Read boulevard. Approximate length 0.84 mile.
Beginning at the westerly Rochester city line, state highway six, thence easterly and southeasterly along Ridge road to and crossing the Genesee river on the Veterans Memorial bridge to Keeler street, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of Keeler street and Keeler street extended to a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation on the easterly Rochester city line. Approximate length 3.4 miles.
Beginning at Ridge road and Lake avenue intersection, thence southerly along Lake avenue to State street, thence southeasterly along State street to an intersection with Central avenue. Approximate length 2.86 miles.
Beginning at Keeler street and North Clinton avenue intersection, thence southerly on or in the vicinity of North Clinton avenue to Norton street, thence southeasterly and southerly over new location east of and generally parallel to North Clinton avenue to Kelley street at Joiner street, thence southerly on or in the vicinity of Joiner street to Ward street, thence southerly on or near North Clinton avenue crossing the New York Central R. R. to Cumberland street, including a connection to Joseph avenue. Approximate length 2.49 miles.
Beginning at the easterly Rochester city line, state highway ninety-eight, thence westerly on or in the vicinity of Clifford avenue to the intersection of Clifford avenue and North Goodman street, thence southwesterly on or in the vicinity of North Goodman street to an intersection with Central Park, thence westerly on or in the vicinity of Central Park to Union street, thence southerly on or in the vicinity of Union street to the intersection of Union street with Main street east. Approximate length 1.9 miles.
Beginning at a point on the northerly Rochester city line to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, east of Winton road, thence southerly over new location generally paralleling Carlisle road to Winstead road, thence southerly on new location to the easterly Rochester city line at a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, north of Atlantic avenue. Approximate length 0.9 mile.
Beginning at the southerly Rochester city line, state highway ninety-four, thence northwesterly on or in the vicinity of Monroe avenue to a point between Highland avenue and Culver road, thence northerly and northwesterly on new location to a point in the right of way of the Rochester Rapid Transit and Industrial Railway, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, near Culver road, thence westerly on new location in the right of way of the Rochester Rapid Transit and Industrial Railway to the inner loop at a point in the vicinity of South Clinton avenue and South avenue, including a spur connection on or in the vicinity of Union street to a point between Monroe avenue and George street to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 2.2 miles.
Beginning at a point on the easterly Rochester city line to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, north of East avenue, thence westerly on new location crossing East avenue near Rockwood street and continuing westerly in the right of way of the Rochester Rapid Transit and Industrial Railway to an intersection to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, near Culver road. Approximate length 1.5 miles.
Beginning at the southerly Rochester city line, state highway sixty-two, thence northerly on or in the vicinity of Mt. Hope Avenue to South Avenue, thence northerly on or in the vicinity of South Avenue to the intersection of South Avenue and Interstate Route 580. Approximate length 2.9 miles.
Beginning at the southerly Rochester city line, state highway four hundred ninety-four, thence northerly on or in the vicinity of East Henrietta Road to an intersection with Mt. Hope Avenue near Crittenden Boulevard. Approximate length 0.7 mile.
Beginning at a point on the southerly city line of the city of Rochester in the vicinity of the Rochester subway, thence northerly along or in the vicinity of the Rochester subway to the vicinity of East avenue, thence northeasterly and easterly to the east city line of the city of Rochester to a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 0.8 mile.
Beginning at a point on the westerly city line north of Chili avenue, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence northeasterly on new location to Mt. Read boulevard in the vicinity of Maple street, thence northerly on or in the vicinity of Mt. Read boulevard to an intersection with Ridge road and continuing northerly to a point on the northerly Rochester city line near Mt. Read boulevard to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 4.4 miles.
The total cost of highway-railroad separations, necessary in the construction of the last above described arterial highway from a point at an intersection of the Mt. Read boulevard in the vicinity of Maple street, thence northerly on or in the vicinity of Mt. Read boulevard to an intersection with Ridge road and continuing northerly to a point on the northerly Rochester city line near Mt. Read boulevard to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, shall be borne by the state and be paid for from any state or federal moneys available for the construction and reconstruction of highways, and such separations shall be progressed in accordance with the provisions of subdivision five of section three hundred forty-nine-c of this article.
Beginning at the southerly Rochester city line, state highway sixty-three, thence northeasterly on or in the vicinity of Scottsville road to an intersection with Elmwood avenue at Genesee street. Approximate length 0.4 mile.
Beginning at a point on the westerly Rochester city line to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, near Brooks avenue, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of Brooks avenue to an intersection with Genesee Park boulevard near Brooks avenue. Approximate length 0.2 mile.
Beginning at the westerly Rochester city line, state highway three hundred ninety-nine, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of Latta road to a point west of Stutson street with a suitable connection to the Lake Ontario state parkway at the northerly Rochester city line, thence southeasterly in the vicinity of Stutson street to a point on Lake avenue, as determined by the commissioner, including a connection crossing the Genesee river to a point on the easterly Rochester city line as determined by the commissioner; also from a point near Stutson street on Lake avenue southerly on or in the vicinity of Lake avenue to an intersection with Ridge road west, including a connection from Lake avenue westerly on or in the vicinity of Stonewood avenue to a point on the westerly Rochester city line, said connection to be built with control of access. Approximate length 4.6 miles.
Beginning at the intersection of East Dominick street and Black River boulevard, thence following Black River boulevard to an interchange circle on East Whitesboro street, thence continuing northwesterly and westerly along West Whitesboro street, Armstrong avenue, Armstrong avenue extension and on or near Erie boulevard to a junction with state highway five hundred sixty-three at or near the northwest inner corporation line of the city of Rome, including a connection with state highway one thousand one hundred fifty-seven. Approximate length 2.6 miles.
Beginning at the intersection of East Dominick street and Black River boulevard and extending northeasterly on or near Black River boulevard and continuing on new location northerly to a junction with state highway five hundred sixty-two at or near the northerly inner corporation line of the city of Rome. Approximate length 3.2 miles.
Beginning at the interchange circle on East Whitesboro street and extending southerly along East Whitesboro street and thence on new location crossing the barge canal and the main line of the Penn-Central railroad to the southern inner corporation line of the city of Rome. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
Beginning at a point on the southerly inner corporation line of the city of Rome, in the general vicinity of Taft avenue extended, as determined by the commissioner, thence generally northeasterly on new location and continuing easterly on or near River road to the easterly inner corporation line of the city of Rome, state highway five hundred sixty including necessary connections with existing streets as determined by the commissioner. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
Beginning at a point to be determined by the commissioner, at the intersection of East Chestnut street and the eastern inner corporation line of the city of Rome, thence running generally northwesterly along East Chestnut street to a point, to be determined by the commissioner, at the intersection of East Chestnut street and state highway number nine thousand three hundred eighty-three. Approximate length .38 miles.
Beginning at the south city line northeasterly along Post Road to a point about 0.1 mile south of New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Bridge. Approximate length 2.8 miles.
Beginning at a point south of Railroad Bridge northeasterly along Post Road and new location to north city line. 1-way northbound on new location and 1-way southbound on Post Road. Approximate length 1.0 miles.
That section of Midland Avenue from its intersection with Peck Avenue northeasterly to the city line of the city of Rye. Approximate length .36 miles.
City of Salamanca
1. Beginning at the westerly city line of Salamanca state highway eight thousand three hundred eight, thence easterly along Front street to a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation west of Center street, thence continuing easterly on new location to Center street at Broad street, thence southeasterly along Broad street and Clinton street to a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation near Parkway drive, thence northeasterly on new location crossing the Allegheny river on a new bridge to Wildwood avenue, thence easterly along Wildwood avenue to the easterly city line of Salamanca, state highway five thousand two hundred sixty-five. Approximate length 4.5 miles.
2. Beginning at the intersection of Broad and Center streets in the city of Salamanca, thence northerly along Center street to the northerly city line of Salamanca, state highway five thousand two hundred sixty-five. Approximate length 0.9 mile.
3. Beginning at the intersection of Wildwood and Central avenues in the city of Salamanca, thence northerly along Central avenue to the northerly city line. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
4. Beginning at the intersection of Parkway drive and Clinton street in the city of Salamanca, southerly and westerly along the scenic highway to the boundary of the Allegany State Park at a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 1.1 miles.
City of Saratoga Springs
1. North-South arterial, beginning at the southerly Saratoga Springs corporation line, state highway six hundred eleven, thence northerly along or near South Broadway as determined by the commissioner of transportation, to Union street, continuing northerly along or near Union street as determined by the commissioner of transportation, to the Delaware and Hudson railway near Ash street, thence northerly and northeasterly on and adjacent to the abandoned right of way of the Delaware and Hudson railway to the northeasterly Saratoga Springs corporation line, including a connection on Marion avenue to the northerly Saratoga Springs corporation line. Approximate length 3.1 miles. Also that portion of South Broadway, Saratoga Springs, beginning at the southerly Saratoga Springs corporation line thence to its intersection with West Circular street, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, which portion is presently known as state route nine. Also a portion of West Circular street, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, from South Broadway to the Delaware and Hudson railway bed.
2. Ballston arterial, beginning at the southerly or westerly Saratoga Springs corporation line, west of Ballston avenue, thence northeasterly on new location in the abandoned right of way of the Delaware and Hudson railway to a point north of Congress avenue, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, continuing easterly to Union street at Lincoln avenue. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
3. Church Street arterial, beginning at the westerly Saratoga Springs corporation line, state highway four hundred forty-three, thence easterly and southeasterly along Church street to a connection with the North-South arterial. Approximate length 0.6 mile.
City of Schenectady
Beginning at the westerly Schenectady city line in the vicinity of Fawn avenue, thence northeasterly on new location, crossing State street and continuing northeasterly on new location, generally parallel to Oregon avenue, to the easterly city line of Schenectady near the Parkview cemetery. Approximate length 1.7 miles.
Beginning at the westerly Schenectady city line on Broadway, state highway one hundred sixty-three, thence along Broadway, Millard street, Veeder avenue and Nott Terrace to Union street. Thence on new location through the Union College campus grounds to South avenue, thence northwesterly along South avenue and over new location to Erie boulevard in the vicinity of Jefferson street. Approximate length 2.9 miles.
Beginning at the traffic circle along the interstate route 550 connection, thence northeasterly along Erie boulevard crossing Jefferson street to the vicinity of Nott street. Thence on new location to the northwest Schenectady city line in the vicinity of Freeman's Bridge road. Approximate length 1.7 miles.
Beginning at the traffic circle along the interstate route 550 connection, thence northerly along Washington avenue to State street continuing westerly on State street over the Great Western Gateway bridge to the west city line of Schenectady. Approximate length 0.3 mile.
City of Syracuse
Beginning at the intersection of Shonnard street and South West street, thence northerly along South West street to Erie boulevard, thence easterly along Erie boulevard, through the Clinton square urban renewal project to the easterly city line of Syracuse connecting with state highway four hundred twenty-nine. This route also includes a secondary section beginning at the intersection of South West street and Shonnard and Seymour streets, thence easterly along Shonnard and Seymour streets, Oneida and Adams streets to a point on interstate route 505 in the vicinity of Almond street as determined by the commissioner. Portions of this arterial route within and in the vicinity of the Clinton square urban renewal project may be built as a depressed highway as determined by the commissioner. Approximate length 4.3 miles.
Beginning at a point at the southerly city line to be determined by the commissioner of transportation and extending northerly on new location west of Lafayette road, generally parallel to Lafayette road and the Erie Lackawanna railway to South Townsend street, thence northerly along South Townsend street to Canal street, thence westerly along Canal street to North State street, thence northerly along North State street connecting with Oswego boulevard at Ash street, thence northerly along Oswego boulevard to Court street, thence northeasterly along new location to Washington Square and Lemoyne avenue, thence northeasterly along Lemoyne avenue to the north city line. This route also includes the following: Beginning at the intersection of South Townsend street and Washington street, thence westerly along Washington street to Montgomery street, thence northerly along Montgomery street and Oswego boulevard to Ash street. Approximate length 8.0 miles.
Beginning at the intersection of Erie boulevard and West street, thence westerly along Erie boulevard to Plum street, thence northwesterly on new location to Leavenworth avenue, thence northerly along Leavenworth avenue to Belden avenue, thence northwesterly along new location under the Penn Central railroad, thence westerly along new location generally parallel to the Penn Central railroad to the State Fair boulevard at a point northwest of Hiawatha boulevard, thence northwesterly along the State Fair boulevard to the Syracuse city line connecting with state highway number one thousand three hundred fifty-three. This route also includes the following: Beginning at the intersection of Park avenue and North West street, thence westerly along Park avenue to Leavenworth avenue. Approximate length 2.4 miles.
Beginning at the intersection of West street and Erie boulevard, thence northerly along West street to Genesee street, thence easterly along new location and Herald Place to Franklin street, thence northerly along Franklin street to Laurel street, thence easterly along Laurel street to Oswego boulevard, thence northerly on Oswego boulevard and on new location to a point on the northerly city line and there connecting with state highway number five thousand two hundred seventy-four. Approximate length 2.1 miles. This route also includes a secondary section beginning at the easterly terminus of the spur extending from arterial route designated as "City of Syracuse: State Fair Boulevard" at Spencer street; thence northeasterly on new location to Bear street, thence northeasterly along Bear street to Oswego boulevard thereby connecting State Fair arterial boulevard and Oswego arterial boulevard. Approximate length 0.8 mile.
Beginning at the easterly Syracuse city line, at a point on state highway four hundred twenty-nine, thence northerly along or near Thompson road, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, to the northerly Syracuse city line, connecting with state highway four hundred twenty-nine. Approximate length 0.9 mile.
City of Tonawanda
1. Beginning at the southerly Tonawanda city line, in the vicinity of Eggert road, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence northwesterly on or along Young street and on new location, to a point on the northerly Tonawanda city line, on a new bridge to be constructed over the Tonawanda creek, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, in the vicinity of Division street extended. Approximate length 1.6 miles.
2. Beginning at the southerly Tonawanda city line, state highway nine thousand two hundred twenty-one, thence northerly along Main street to the vicinity of Seymour street, thence northwesterly along Seymour street to the vicinity of Niagara street, thence northerly, on new location, to a point on the northerly Tonawanda city line, on a new bridge to be constructed over the Tonawanda creek, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, west of Main street. Approximate length 1.5 miles.
3. Beginning at the westerly Tonawanda city line, state highway one hundred twenty-nine, thence easterly on or along Niagara street to Seymour street. Approximate length 2.0 miles.
1. Beginning at the easterly approach of the Troy-Menands bridge, thence northerly along Burden avenue to Fourth street, continuing on or east of Fourth street to the vicinity of Fifth avenue and on new location to Congress street, continuing northerly between Seventh avenue and Eighth street to the vicinity of Rensselaer street, crossing northwesterly over River street and northerly on new location generally paralleling the Hudson river to Second avenue near One Hundred Second street, following along Second avenue to One Hundred Twenty-sixth street and thence on new location northeasterly to the north city line, including connections to the easterly approaches of One Hundred Twelfth street bridge and the Troy-Waterford bridge. Approximate length 6.2 miles.
2. Beginning on the southerly Troy city line west of Winter street, thence northwesterly on new location to Campbell's highway near Spring avenue, following on or near Spring avenue to and including a connection with the north-south arterial route. Approximate length 2.1 miles.
3. Beginning on the southerly Troy city line, thence northeasterly on new location passing to the east of the Troy airport to and including a connection with another arterial route and continuing northeasterly to and including a connection with Pawling avenue via Munro court. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
4. Beginning at the westerly city line, thence easterly on a new bridge over the Hudson river to and along Hoosick street to the easterly city line, state highway ten. Approximate length 1.6 miles.
5. Beginning at a point on the westerly Troy city line, on a new bridge to be constructed over the Hudson river south of Congress street, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence easterly to and along Ferry street to Congress street; also from a point on Congress street near Thirteenth street northwesterly and westerly along Congress street to the easterly approach of said new bridge to be constructed over the Hudson river south of Congress street, including connections with existing streets as determined by the commissioner of transportation; this route also includes a connection from a point on Congress street to College avenue, at a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 1.1 miles.
City of Utica
1. Beginning at the westerly Utica city line, state highway eight thousand four hundred eighty-four, including an interchange with Whitesboro street, thence easterly along Oriskany street West to Broadway, continuing along Oriskany street West and Liberty street to Genesee street, thence along Oriskany street East and Jay street to Park avenue, northeasterly along Park avenue to a point, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, between Broad and Main streets, thence on new location easterly to a point to be determined by the commissioner on the east city line, including a traffic interchange at Broad street, Gilbert street and Culver avenue. Approximate length 5.2 miles.
2. Beginning at the west city line, state highway two hundred ninety-seven, thence easterly on new location generally parallel to the New York state thruway to a traffic interchange at the state arterial highway on or in the vicinity of Horatio street, thence easterly on new location generally parallel to the New York state thruway to North Genesee street, thence easterly on new location generally parallel to the New York state thruway to a point east of the thruway toll booth interchange, thence easterly along Herkimer road to the east city line, state highway four hundred fifty-nine; also from Herkimer road returning westerly at a point east of the thruway toll booth interchange, on new location generally parallel to the New York state thruway to an interchange with North Genesee street and Riverside drive, thence westerly on new location generally parallel to the New York state thruway to a traffic interchange at the state arterial highway in the vicinity of Horatio street, thence westerly on new location generally parallel to the New York state thruway to its connection with state highway two hundred ninety-seven at the west city line. Approximate length 3.7 miles.
3. Beginning at a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation on the southwest Utica city line, south of the former N. Y. O. & W. Ry. right of way, thence northeasterly on new location crossing Burrstone road, including necessary connections to or from this route, continuing northeasterly on or in the vicinity of Wheeler avenue to Roberts street, thence on new location between Fay street and State street to a traffic interchange at Oriskany street West, continuing on new location to traffic interchanges with the Mohawk thruway and Riverside drive at Horatio street, northeasterly on or in the vicinity of Horatio street to the northerly Utica city line. Approximate length 5.3 miles.
4. Beginning on the southwest city line of Utica in the vicinity north of Genesee street, as determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence generally northwesterly on new location to a traffic interchange with an arterial route in the vicinity of the northwesterly city line. Approximate length 0.4 mile.
5. Beginning at the intersection of Oriskany street west and east with Genesee street, thence northerly and northeasterly to and along North Genesee street to Herkimer road, including connections with existing streets, and/or relocations of such existing streets; also from Herkimer road returning southwesterly on new location westerly and generally parallel to North Genesee street to a connection to the last mentioned route in the vicinity of the New York State thruway. Approximate length 1.5 miles.
6. Beginning at the westerly Utica city line, state highway nineteen hundred forty-three, thence easterly on or along Burrstone road to a point as determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence continuing easterly and generally parallel to and north of Edith and Alder streets to a traffic interchange between the state arterial highway and Burrstone road in the vicinity of Lincoln avenue. Approximate length 0.7 mile.
7. Upon completion and acceptance of the portion of the aforementioned route in paragraph two of this subdivision which lies between a point on state highway two hundred ninety-seven at the west city line and a point on or near an interchange with North Genesee street, the commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to issue an official order of abandonment to the city of Utica of the road described as follows: beginning at the west city line, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of Riverside drive to a traffic interchange at the state arterial highway on or in the vicinity of Horatio street, thence southeasterly and easterly on new location south of and generally parallel to Riverside drive to a point on or near an interchange with North Genesee street, including connections between Riverside drive and the new location. Upon the filing of certified copies of such official order with the city clerk, the state shall cease to maintain those portions specified for abandonment in such official order, and all the rights and obligations of the state therein shall revert to and become the responsibility of the city of Utica.
8. Upon completion and acceptance of the aforementioned route in paragraph five of this subdivision, the commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to issue an official order of abandonment to the city of Utica of the roads described as follows: that portion of the route described as "beginning at the intersection of Oriskany street west and east with Genesee street, thence northerly and northeasterly to and along North Genesee street to Coventry avenue including connections with existing streets, thence along Coventry avenue to the northerly Utica city line, state highway five thousand six hundred four" which lies along Coventry avenue between a point on Herkimer road and a point near Servis place; those portions of the route described as "also from a connection to the last mentioned route in the vicinity of Servis place, returning southwesterly on new location westerly and generally parallel to Coventry avenue and North Genesee street to a connection to the last mentioned route in the vicinity of the New York state thruway with all necessary connections to Trenton avenue" which lie between a point on Coventry avenue near Servis place and a point on Riverside drive west of Coventry avenue, and between a point on Trenton avenue southwest of Servis place and a point on Trenton avenue at or near its intersection with Coventry avenue. Upon the filing of certified copies of such official order with the city clerk, the state shall cease to maintain those portions specified for abandonment in such official order, and all the rights and obligations of the state therein shall revert to and become the responsibility of the city of Utica.
1. Beginning at the easterly Watertown city line at State Highway No. 5005, thence westerly along Water Street to the vicinity of Spring Street and northwesterly on new location across the New York Central Railroad, Watertown Branch, thence westerly to an intersection with an arterial route, continuing westerly across Pearl Street in the vicinity of Starbuck Avenue, to and along Moulton Street, to Mill Street, thence northwesterly on new location to Main Street west in the vicinity of Curtis Street, and continuing along Main Street west to Edmund Street. Approximate length 2.6 miles.
2. Beginning at the northerly Watertown city line at State Highway No. 5140, thence southwesterly along Bradley Street to Main Street west. Approximate length 0.9 mile.
3. Beginning at the westerly Watertown city line, State Highway No. 237, thence easterly along Arsenal Street to Massey Street north, thence northeasterly on Massey Street north to Court Street and along Court Street crossing the Black River to an arterial route on the north side of the Black River. Approximate length 2.1 miles.
4. Beginning at the southerly Watertown city line at State Highway No. 147, thence northerly along Gifford Street to State Street and northwesterly along State Street to a point between Pleasant Street and Hamilton Street, thence northeasterly on new location between Pleasant Street north and Hamilton Street north, crossing the New York Central Railroad, Carthage Branch, the Black River, Water Street, and the New York Central Railroad, Watertown Branch, to an intersection with an arterial route on the north side of the Black River. Approximate length 1.90 miles.
5. Beginning at an intersection with the above described arterial at State street and Eastern boulevard, thence northeasterly along Eastern boulevard to state highway five thousand five at the easterly Watertown city line. Approximate length 1.1 miles.
6. Notwithstanding the provisions of section three hundred forty-nine-d of this article, the commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to assume jurisdiction for state arterial highway purposes over the city streets described in paragraph five and as follows: beginning at the southerly Watertown city line at state highway one hundred forty-seven, thence northerly along Gifford street to State street to an intersection with another arterial route at Eastern boulevard.
City of Watervliet
1. River Front route, beginning at a point to be determined by the commissioner of transportation on the southerly city line of Watervliet east of Broadway, thence northeasterly along the west bank of the Hudson river to the vicinity of Twenty-Second street and northerly to a point to be determined by the commissioner on the north city line of Watervliet, east of Cohoes road. Approximate length 2.0 miles.
2. Beginning at the westerly city line of Watervliet, state highway six hundred thirty, thence easterly along Nineteenth street to the west approach of the Congress street bridge, including connections to the above described River Front route. Approximate length 1.0 mile.
1. Beginning at a point, to be determined by the commissioner, on the westerly line of the city of White Plains, south of Old Mamaroneck road, thence northerly on new location to and or along Bloomingdale road to Westchester avenue, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of Westchester avenue to the easterly line of the city of White Plains. Approximate length 1.5 miles.
2. Beginning at or near the intersection of Westchester avenue and Bloomingdale road in the city of White Plains, thence westerly on or in the vicinity of Westchester avenue to North Broadway, thence northwesterly on or in the vicinity of North Broadway to Hamilton avenue, thence generally westerly on or in the vicinity of Hamilton avenue to Central avenue, thence northwesterly on or in the vicinity of Central avenue to the northerly city line of White Plains, west of the Bronx River parkway; also returning from a point at or near Central avenue and Hamilton avenue southeasterly along or in the vicinity of Central avenue to Main street, thence generally easterly on or in the vicinity of Main street to North Broadway, thence southeasterly on or in the vicinity of North Broadway to Armory place, thence northeasterly on or in the vicinity of Armory place to Westchester avenue. Approximate length 2.6 miles.
3. Beginning with an arterial route described in paragraph two above, thence northerly on or in the vicinity of Grove street to or in the vicinity of North Lexington avenue and northwesterly on new location to Central Park avenue, thence southwesterly on or in the vicinity of Central Park avenue to the westerly city line of White Plains, state highway one thousand three hundred seventy; also returning from a point near North Lexington avenue, thence southerly on or in the vicinity of North and South Lexington avenue to the arterial route described in paragraph two above, including connections from this arterial route on or in the vicinity of South Lexington avenue and Grove street with existing streets. Approximate length 1.9 miles.
Nepperhan arterial, with that portion beginning at a connection to South Broadway thence continuing to the connection of the Pulaski crossway designated as a portion of the Pulaski crossway in the vicinity of Nepperhan avenue, thence continuing northerly on or in the vicinity of Nepperhan avenue, and new location to Saw Mill river road in the vicinity of Tuckahoe road, including a connection to Roberts avenue, thence northerly on or in the vicinity of Saw Mill river road to the northerly city line, state highway one thousand one hundred sixty-seven. Approximate length 4.1 miles.
Pulaski crossway arterial, from a point on the Nepperhan arterial to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence generally easterly on or in the vicinity of Yonkers avenue and new location to the east city line connecting to an arterial highway in Mt. Vernon. Approximate length 3.0 miles.
Central Park avenue arterial, from a point on Pulaski crossway arterial to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence generally northerly on or in the vicinity of Central Park avenue to state highway five thousand two hundred thirty-one. Approximate length 5.1 miles.
Tuckahoe road arterial, from a point on the Nepperhan arterial, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation, thence easterly on or in the vicinity of Tuckahoe road to a point on Central Park avenue arterial, to be determined by the commissioner of transportation. Approximate length 1.7 miles.
Riverdale arterial, beginning at the New York city-Yonkers city line, in the vicinity of Riverdale avenue, thence on or in the vicinity of Riverdale avenue to the vicinity of Main street, including a connection to the Nepperhan arterial. Approximate length 1.7 miles.
Last modified: February 3, 2019