86. Agreement to control erection and maintenance of advertising devices. In order that the state of New York may be entitled to be paid by the United States an increased share of the costs of projects on the interstate highway system, the commissioner of transportation is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the secretary of transportation of the United States, as required by section one hundred thirty-one of title twenty-three of the United States code, as amended and to promulgate and enforce regulations in conformity with the national policy, for control of the erection and maintenance of advertising signs, displays, and other advertising devices within six hundred and sixty feet of the edge of the right of way of controlled portions of the interstate highways system which are constructed upon any part of right of way, the entire width of which is acquired subsequent to July first, nineteen hundred fifty-six, which do not traverse commercial or industrial zones within the boundaries of incorporated municipalities as of September twenty-first, nineteen hundred fifty-nine, where in the use of real property adjacent to the interstate highway system is subject to municipal regulation or control, and which do not traverse other areas where the land use, as of September twenty-first, nineteen hundred fifty-nine, was clearly established under state law as industrial or commercial. The agreement may also include provisions for preservation of natural beauty, prevention of erosion, landscaping, reforestation, development of viewpoints for scenic attractions that are accessible to the public without charge, the erection of markers, signs or plaques, and the development of areas, in appreciation of sites of historical significance, to the extent that such provisions are within the existing powers of the commissioner of transportation.
The commissioner of transportation shall take such action as is necessary to obtain the maximum amount of federal funds available under Federal Highway Aid Act of 1958.
Last modified: February 3, 2019