• 61 - Definitions.
    For the purpose of this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1. "Commission" means the commission on judicial nomination. 2. "Candidate" means...
  • 62 - Organization of the Commission.
    1. A commission on judicial nomination is hereby established. The commission shall consist of twelve members of whom four shall be appointed by the governor,...
  • 63 - Functions of the Commission.
    1. The commission shall consider and evaluate the qualifications of candidates for appointment to the offices of chief judge and associate judge of the court...
  • 64 - Additional Functions of the Commission.
    The commission shall have the following functions, powers and duties: 1. Establish procedures to assure that persons who may be well qualified for appointment to...
  • 65 - Rules of the Commission.
    1. The commission shall adopt, and may amend, written rules of procedure not inconsistent with law. 2. Rules of the commission shall be filed with...
  • 66 - Confidentiality of Proceedings and Records.
    1. All communications to the commission, and its proceedings, and all applications, correspondence, interviews, transcripts, reports and all other papers, files and records of the...
  • 67 - Breach of Confidentiality of Commission Information.
    1. Any staff member, employee or agent of the state commission on judicial nomination who violates any of the provisions of section sixty-six of this...
  • 68 - Procedures When Vacancies Occur.
    1. Whenever a vacancy will occur in the office of chief judge or associate judge of the court of appeals by expiration of term: (a)...

Last modified: February 3, 2019