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New York Local Finance Law Article 2 - LOCAL INDEBTEDNESS
Title 1 - (10.00 - 11.00) Power to Contract Indebtedness and Periods of Probable Usefulness
Title 1-a - (15.00 - 15.40) Indebtedness Relative to Municipal Cooperative Activities
Title 2 - (20.00 - 29.20) Local Obligations: Types Thereof
Title 3 - (30.00 - 41.10) Local Obligations: Authorization Thereof
Title 4 - (50.00 - 63.10) Local Obligations: Terms, Form and Contents Thereof; Sale and Issuance Thereof
Title 5 - (70.00 - 75.00) Local Obligations: Registration, Conversion and Reconversion Thereof
Title 6 - (80.00 - 84.00) Local Obligations: Estoppel From Contesting Validity Thereof
Title 6-a - (85.00 - 85.90) Local Obligations: Financial Emergency; Condition Precedent to Claims; Stay of Claims; Repayment Plan for Municipality; Termination of Stay
Title 7 - (90.00 - 93.00) Refunding of Bonds and Capital Notes
Title 8 - (100.00 - 109.00) Limitations on the Power to Contract Indebtedness
Title 9 - (120.00 - 126.00) Procedures Relating to the Ascertainment of Amounts to Be Included or Excluded in Ascertaining Debt-Contracting Power
Title 10 - (130.00 - 143.10) Statement of Debt-Contracting Power of Municipalities, Fire Districts and Certain School Districts
Title 11 - (150.00 - 154.00) Power to Contract Indebtedness for Housing Purposes and Limitations Thereon
Title 12 - (160.00 - 169.00) Miscellaneous Provisions
Last modified: February 3, 2019