139. Publication of notice of wrecked property. Every sheriff, into whose possession any wrecked property shall come, shall immediately thereafter publish a notice directed to all parties interested, for at least four weeks in succession, in one or more of the newspapers published in the county where the property shall have been saved. Every such notice shall contain a minute description of such wrecked property, and every bale, bag, box, cask, piece or parcel thereof, and of the marks, brands, letters and figures on each, and shall state where such wrecked property then is, and its actual condition, and the name, if known, of the vessel from which it was taken or case on shore, and of the master and supercargo of such vessel, and the place where such vessel then is, and its actual condition. The expense of publishing every notice required to be published relating to wrecks shall be charged on the property or proceeds to which it relates.
Last modified: February 3, 2019