64-a. Suspension and revocation of licenses. 1. The inspector may suspend or revoke any license of master, pilot, engineer or joint pilot and engineer, issued pursuant to the provisions of this article, upon satisfactory proof of recklessness, carelessness, intemperance, incompetence, wilful dereliction of duty or wilful disobedience of any rule or regulation duly made and promulgated by the commissioner.
2. It shall be the duty of the inspector to receive and make determination on complaints duly made in writing against any master, pilot, engineer, or joint pilot and engineer licensed pursuant to the provisions of this article where it appears that the license of such person may be subject to suspension or revocation under this section.
3. Before any person shall be proceeded against on any complaint and before any license may be revoked or suspended, such person shall be notified, in writing, signed by the inspector, to appear before the inspector. Such notice shall specify the nature and substance of such complaint and shall be served personally at least five days before the time fixed for appearance. The inspector may postpone or adjourn such hearing from time to time.
4. The inspector, at the request of either the complaining or defending party, shall issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses before the inspector in all cases which he is empowered to hear and determine under this article. The inspector shall examine on oath, to be administered by him, all such witnesses. Each person subpoenaed as a witness shall be entitled to the same witness fees and be subject to the same penalties and punishments for disobedience, or for false testimony, as would apply in a civil suit at law, in a court of record.
5. Whenever the license of any master, pilot, engineer or joint pilot and engineer is suspended or revoked he shall forthwith deliver up his license to the inspector. The inspector shall retain any such suspended license until the time of suspension shall expire. Any such person who shall refuse to deliver up such suspended or revoked license shall be subject to a penalty of one hundred dollars for each day following such refusal.
Last modified: February 3, 2019