New York Navigation Law Article 8 - FERRIES
- 110 - Licenses.
The local governing body of each county or city in this state may grant licenses for keeping ferries in their respective counties and cities, to...
- 111 - Undertaking.
Every person applying for such license shall, before the same is granted, execute and file with the clerk of the local governing body of a...
- 112 - Appendages for Rope Ferries.
Any person licensed to keep a ferry may, with the written consent of the town superintendent of the town where such ferry may be, erect...
- 113 - When Schedules to Be Posted.
Every person licensed to operate or control any ferry in this state, or between this state and any other state, operating from or to a...
- 114 - Ferries.
A person who: 1. Maintains a ferry for profit or hire upon any of the waters of this state without authority of law; or 2....
- 115 - Ferries and Ferry Terminal.
In the event that a village is disconnected geographically by water from the mainland of the state and which is not connected by any bridge...
- 115-a - Ferry Service.
A village which owns property which is disconnected geographically by water from the mainland area of the village and the mainland of the state, which...
Last modified: February 3, 2019