402. Loans to owners. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law, a municipality, by such officer or agency as determined by its local legislative body, is hereby authorized to make or contract to make loans to the owners of existing multiple dwellings within its territorial limits, subject to the limitations in subdivision two of this section, in such amounts as may be required for the installation of proper heating facilities, or elimination of conditions dangerous to human life or detrimental to health, including nuisances as defined in section three hundred nine of the multiple dwelling law, or other rehabilitation or improvement of such multiple dwellings, and if such owner acquires the multiple dwelling for the purposes of such rehabilitation or improvement or owns the multiple dwelling subject to an outstanding indebtedness, such loans may include such amounts as may be required for the cost of such acquisition or for the refinancing of such outstanding indebtedness, and may make temporary loans or advances to such owners in anticipation of the permanent municipal loans for such purposes.
2-a. As used in this section the term "value" shall mean the "as is" value of the multiple dwelling and the land upon which it is situated prior to such installation, elimination, other rehabilitation or improvement referred to in subdivision one of this section plus the total of all costs of such installation, elimination, rehabilitation or improvement including, but not limited to, the costs of any or all undertakings necessary for the planning, financing, tenant relocation, acquisition, construction, equipment and development in connection therewith.
2-b. (a) Each permanent loan shall be secured by a bond and mortgage or note and mortgage upon the multiple dwelling and the land upon which it is situated; where the loan is made to an owner who is a lessee, such loan shall be secured by a first lien on such property.
(b) The amount of any such loan shall not exceed the cost of the installation of proper heating facilities, or elimination of conditions dangerous to human life or detrimental to health, including nuisances as defined in section three hundred nine of the multiple dwelling law, or other rehabilitation or improvement provided that, if any portion of such loan is used for the cost of acquisition of the land and the multiple dwelling or for re-financing, the total amount of such loan shall not exceed two times the cost of such installation, elimination of such conditions, rehabilitation or improvement.
(c) The amount of any such loan, together with the amount of all prior liens and encumbrances, shall not exceed, except in the case of a loan made to a non-profit company, a mutual company, or a housing development fund company, ninety per centum of the value of the property, after completion of the installation of proper heating facilities, or elimination of such conditions or other rehabilitation or improvement, as estimated by the agency, unless the agency makes a written determination that the owner has insufficient resources to pay for the remaining ten per centum of the value of the property, after completion of such installation, elimination, or other rehabilitation or improvement, as estimated by the agency, in which case such loan shall not exceed ninety-five per centum of the value of the property, after completion of the installation of proper heating facilities, or elimination of such conditions or other rehabilitation or improvement, as estimated by the agency. The amount of any such loan, together with the amount of all prior liens and encumbrances, made to a non-profit company, a mutual company, or a housing development fund company shall not exceed the value of the property after completion of such installation, elimination, or other rehabilitation or improvement, as estimated by the agency provided that when after completion of such installation, elimination or other rehabilitation or improvement, such project is, or is to be operated exclusively for the benefit of persons or families who are entitled to occupancy by reason of ownership of stock in the corporate owners, such loan shall not exceed ninety-eight percentum of the value of the property, after completion of such installation, elimination, or other rehabilitation or improvement, as estimated by the agency, unless the agency makes a written determination that the owner has insufficient resources to pay for the remaining two per centum of the value of the property, after completion of such installation, elimination, or other rehabilitation or improvement, as estimated by the agency, in which case such loan shall not exceed the value of the property, after completion of such installation, elimination, or other rehabilitation or improvement, as estimated by the agency.
(d) Each such bond and mortgage or note and mortgage shall be repaid over or within a period of thirty years in such manner as may be provided in such bond and mortgage or note and mortgage and contract but in no case to exceed the probable life of the multiple dwelling which is hereby determined to be thirty years. Such bond and mortgage or note and mortgage and the contract in connection with such permanent and temporary loans may contain such other terms and provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this article as the local legislative body or the agency may deem necessary or desirable to secure repayment of the loan, the interest thereon and other charges in connection therewith and to carry out the purposes and provisions of this article; notwithstanding the foregoing, a loan made prior to January first, nineteen hundred seventy-eight may, in the discretion of the agency, be extended to a term up to forty-five years. The agency may modify the rate and time of payment of interest on the original loan and the rate and time of amortization of principal in such manner as required to secure payment of the loan within the extended term.
2-c. If a loan pursuant to this article is made to a non-profit company or a housing development fund company which agrees to provide housing accommodations exclusively for persons and families of low income, at least thirty percent of whom are referred to it by the municipality and have prior to their initial occupancy in such accommodations resided in emergency shelter facilities operated by or on behalf of the municipality, the agency may provide that the note and mortgage shall automatically be reduced to zero in five equal annual decrements commencing on the tenth year after the initial occupancy date, provided that such accommodations have been owned and operated in a manner consistent with an agreement with the municipality contained in such note and mortgage to provide housing for such persons.
3. The bond or note issued by the owner of such multiple dwelling and the mortgage relating thereto may authorize such owner, with the consent of the agency, to prepay the principal of the loan subject to such terms and conditions as therein provided. Such bond or note and mortgage may contain such other clauses and provisions as the agency shall require.
4. The agency may charge the owner of such multiple dwelling reasonable fees for financing, regulation, supervision and audit. Such fees shall be kept by the municipality in a separate fund to be known as the housing rehabilitation fund and shall be used to pay for the expenses of the municipality in administering and carrying out the provisions of this article.
5. Whenever reference is made in this article to a municipal loan, a loan by a municipality, a loan from a municipality, a contract for a loan between a municipality and an owner, or any similar term, with respect to the territorial limits of the city of New York such terms shall be construed to refer to a loan made or to be made either by such municipality or by the New York city housing development corporation, whichever is applicable.
6. The bond and mortgage or note and mortgage issued by the owner of any such multiple dwelling may provide that the loan shall be reduced to zero commencing on the fifteenth year after the execution of the bond and mortgage or note and mortgage, provided that, as of the date of any such reduction, the multiple dwelling has been and continues to be owned and operated in a manner consistent with a regulatory agreement with the municipality. Notwithstanding such provision as contained in the bond and mortgage or note and mortgage, the loan shall be reduced to zero only if, prior to or simultaneously with delivery of such bond and mortgage or note and mortgage, the agency made a written determination that such reduction would be necessary to ensure the continued affordability or economic viability of the multiple dwelling. Such written determination shall document the basis upon which the loan was determined to be eligible for evaporation.
Last modified: February 3, 2019