New York Private Housing Finance Law Article 7 - MORTGAGE FACILITIES CORPORATION
- 300 - Short Title.
This article shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the "mortgage facilities corporation law".
- 301 - Policy of State and Purpose of Article.
It is recognized that there exist in New York state certain neighborhoods, which, because of heavy in-migrations and other factors, have been characterized by over-crowding...
- 302 - Definitions.
1. The term "housing accommodation," as used in this article, shall mean any building or structure which is used or occupied, or is intended to...
- 303 - Establishment of Corporation.
There is hereby created a corporation which shall be known as "The Mortgage Facilities Corporation." The principal office of the corporation shall be in the...
- 304 - Purposes, Powers and Operation.
1. The purpose of the corporation shall be to assist, promote, encourage and stimulate the development and rehabilitation of blighted areas by rendering financial assistance...
- 305 - Board of Directors.
1. All the corporate powers of such corporation shall be exercised by a board of directors consisting of thirteen persons, all of whom shall be...
- 306 - Temporary Board of Directors.
1. The first annual meeting of such corporation shall be held at a time and place to be fixed by the temporary board of directors...
- 307 - Membership.
1. The members of such corporation shall consist of such banking organizations, insurance and surety companies, as may make application for membership in such corporation,...
- 308 - Capital and Shares.
The total number of shares which the corporation may issue is forty thousand, all without par value. The consideration for which such shares may be...
- 309 - Obligations.
At no time shall the total obligations of such corporation exceed twenty-five million dollars.
- 310 - Restrictions.
Such corporation shall not deposit any of its funds in any banking organization unless such banking organization has been designated as a depository by a...
- 311 - Examination.
At least once in each calendar year the corporation shall be examined by the superintendent of financial services for the purpose of determining the corporation's...
- 312 - Unissued Securities and Reorganization.
1. The holders of capital stock of such corporation shall not, as such, have any pre-emptive or preferential right to purchase or subscribe for any...
- 313 - Participation.
Notwithstanding any rule at common law or any provision of any general or special law or any provision in their respective charters, agreements of association,...
Last modified: February 3, 2019