1872-a. Affordable residential green building program. Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the authority shall establish and administer a program pursuant to standards and criteria established by the authority which would provide incentives to owners for the construction of new residential buildings which are affordable. For purposes of this section, "affordable" means where the homebuyer has a household income which does not exceed the income limits defined by the state of New York mortgage agency low interest rate mortgage program in the non-target, one-and two-person household category for the county where such property is located. Such incentives shall be available based upon the use of design and building techniques established or promulgated by the authority which promote smart growth and smart planning, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, achieve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption, facilitate the incorporation of environmentally responsible products, promote the efficient use of all heating fuels and natural resources, reduce waste and create a healthy indoor living environment while maintaining affordability for household incomes as provided in this section. The authority shall promulgate rules and regulations to establish affordable green residential building standards and criteria, in addition to administrative regulations for implementation of such program. The authority shall prepare an annual report on such program which shall be posted on the authority's website.
Last modified: February 3, 2019