2052-e. Appropriations for purposes of the authority; transfer of property to authority; acquisition of property by county or other municipality for authority; contracts with county or other municipality; use of Murnane Field by Utica city school district. 1. In addition to any powers granted to it by law, the county board of legislators, or the finance board, as such term is defined in the local finance law, of any other municipality in the county may, from time to time, appropriate by resolution sums of money for purposes of the authority to defray project costs or any other costs and expenses of the authority or to pay amounts payable or anticipated to be payable to the authority pursuant to any contract or lease authorized by this title. Such county board of legislators or finance board may determine if the moneys so appropriated shall be subject to repayment by the authority to the appropriate municipality and, in such event, the manner and time or times for such repayment. In the event there shall remain at the end of any fiscal year of the county or any such municipality an unexpended balance of any such appropriation, such unexpended balance shall remain on deposit in the fund or account and such appropriation shall not lapse.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, general, special or local to the contrary, real property acquired by the authority, the county or any other municipality from the state may be used for any corporate purpose of the authority.
3. The county, one or more municipalities and the authority shall have the power to contract, from time to time, between or among themselves, in relation to the use of the project of the authority, which contracts may include any or all of the following provisions: (a) requiring the use of such project by the county or such municipality for a specified period of time; (b) limiting the right, including a prohibition, of the county or any such municipality to construct a sports facility which will serve the same, or substantially the same, function as the project owned, leased or to be constructed or leased by the authority; (c) providing for specified minimum periodic payments whether or not a project is actually used, subject to such limitations, exceptions and provisions therein; and (d) requiring the county or any such municipality to pay to the authority such amounts as shall be necessary to assure the continued operation of the authority. All such payments shall be determined and paid in such manner and at such times as may be provided in such contracts.
4. Any gift, grant, sale, conveyance, loan, contract or lease authorized by this section may be made or entered into by the county, any other such municipality and/or the authority and no such gift, grant, sale, conveyance, loan, contract or lease shall be subject to referendum, permissive or otherwise.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, general, special or local to the contrary, the authority shall allow the Utica city school district to use Murnane Field, and the Utica city school district shall be authorized to use Murnane Field, for the use of its students, subject only to general rules for the use of such sports facility and reasonable scheduling requirements, without charge to said school district, except for reimbursement of actual expenses occasioned by its use.
Last modified: February 3, 2019