New York Public Authorities Law Title 1-B - NORTH COUNTRY POWER AUTHORITY
- 1021 - Short Title.
This title shall be known and may be cited as the "North Country power authority act".
- 1021-a - Definitions.
As used or referred to in this title, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: 1. "Acquire" means, with respect to any right,...
- 1021-b - North Country Power Authority.
1. A corporation known as the North Country power authority is hereby established and charged with the duties and having the powers provided in this...
- 1021-c - North Country Power Authority Service Area; Extension of Service Area.
1. The service area of the North Country power authority shall include all the territory located within so much of the county of Franklin as...
- 1021-d - Powers and Duties of the Authority.
The powers conferred by this title shall be exercised by the directors, subject to the terms of this title. In the exercise of those powers,...
- 1021-e - Deposit and Investment of Moneys of the Authority.
1. All moneys of the authority, from whatever source derived, except as otherwise authorized or provided in this title, shall upon receipt be deposited forthwith...
- 1021-f - Conflicts of Interest.
Eligibility for appointment as a director, officer or employee of the authority shall be subject to the provisions of section twenty-eight hundred twenty-five of this...
- 1021-g - Sale of Surplus Power.
Whenever any electric power which the authority may acquire creates a surplus over the amount of electric power required by the residents of the service...
- 1021-h - Audit and Annual Reports.
1. The accounts of the authority shall be subject to the supervision of the comptroller and an annual audit shall be performed by an independent...
- 1021-i - Bonds, Notes and Other Obligations of the Authority.
1. The authority shall have power and is hereby authorized from time to time to issue its bonds, notes or other obligations, in an aggregate...
- 1021-j - State and Municipalities Not Liable on Bonds or Notes or Other Obligations.
The securities of the authority shall not be a debt of the state or of any municipality, and neither the state nor any municipality shall...
- 1021-k - Agreement of the State.
The state does hereby pledge to and agree with the holders of any bonds, notes or other obligations issued by the authority under this title,...
- 1021-l - Exemption of the Authority From Taxation.
1. It is hereby found and declared that the operation of the authority is primarily for the benefit of the people of the participating municipalities,...
- 1021-m - Actions Against the Authority.
1. Any action, suit or proceeding to which the authority may be a party in which any question arises as to the validity of this...
- 1021-n - Equal Employment Opportunity.
All contracts entered into by the authority pursuant to this title of whatever nature and all documents soliciting bids or proposals therefor shall contain or...
- 1021-o - Limitation of Liability; Indemnification.
1. The directors, officers and employees of the authority, while acting within the scope of their authority as directors, officers or employees, shall not be...
- 1021-p - Website.
The authority shall make accessible to the public, via its official or shared internet website, documentation pertaining to its mission, current activities, most recent annual...
- 1021-q - Prevailing Wage.
Whenever the authority enters into any contract, subcontract, lease, grant, bond, covenant or other agreement for or in connection with any construction, demolition, reconstruction, excavation,...
- 1021-r - Periodic Review by Legislature.
Beginning in the year two thousand fifteen, and not more than every ten years thereafter, the legislature of the state of New York shall conduct...
- 1021-s - Severability.
The provisions of this title are severable, and if any clause, sentence, paragraph, action or part of this title, or the application thereof to any...
Last modified: February 3, 2019