- 1725 - Short Title.
This title shall be known and may be cited as the "New York city school construction authority act".
- 1726 - Definitions.
As used or referred to in this title, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: 1. "Authority" shall mean the New York city...
- 1727 - New York City School Construction Authority.
1. There is hereby established a public benefit corporation to be known as the "New York city school construction authority". 2. The authority shall be...
- 1728 - Powers and Duties of the Authority.
The authority shall have the following powers and duties: 1. To sue and be sued; 2. To have a seal or alter the same at...
- 1729 - Transfer of Property.
1. The city board and the city, acting by the mayor alone or by resolution of the council, may convey or transfer to the authority,...
- 1730 - Exemption From Land Use Review Procedures and Other Requirements.
1. Except for the provisions of article eight of the environmental conservation law and article fourteen of the parks, recreation and historic preservation law, neither...
- 1731 - Community Participation.
1. Prior to the commencing of new construction or building additions of an educational facility, or the acquisition of real property or any interest therein...
- 1732 - City Approval of Sites.
1. Following the hearings held pursuant to section seventeen hundred thirty-one of this title, but prior to initiating construction of new educational facilities, the authority...
- 1733 - Compliance With Codes.
The authority shall, in the design, construction, reconstruction, improvement, rehabilitation, maintenance, repair, furnishing, equipping of or otherwise providing for educational facilities, comply with the requirements...
- 1734 - Contracts of the Authority.
1. a. All contracts for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, rehabilitation, maintenance, repair, furnishing, equipping of or otherwise providing for educational facilities for the city board...
- 1735 - Certain Contracts of the Authority.
* 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph b of subdivision one of section seventeen hundred thirty-four of this title, the award of construction contracts by...
- 1736 - Funding of the Authority.
1. Each year the authority shall prepare and the board shall adopt an itemized estimate of the sum of money it deems necessary from the...
- 1737 - Civil Service.
1. a. The authority, for the purpose of administering the state civil service law, shall be deemed to be a municipal commission provided, however, that...
- 1738 - Retirement of Employees.
1. Employees of the authority shall be eligible to join the board of education retirement system as established in section twenty-five hundred seventy-five of the...
- 1739 - Collective Negotiation.
1. For the purpose of article fourteen of the civil service law, the authority shall be deemed to be the public employer and as such...
- 1740 - Use of Outside Design, Drafting or Inspection Services.
1. All design, drafting or inspection services necessary in connection with the approved educational facilities capital plan shall be performed by appropriate employees of the...
- 1741 - Deposit and Investment of Moneys of the Authority.
1. The authority may establish and maintain funds for the purpose of receiving and expending moneys received by the authority. 2. All moneys of the...
- 1742 - Exemption of the Authority.
1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any real or personal property, while owned or subject to any rights of the authority, shall be exempt...
- 1743 - Equal Employment Opportunity Program and Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program.
1. Notwithstanding any other inconsistent provision of law, sections 8-107 and 8-108.1 of the administration code of the city of New York shall apply to...
- 1744 - Claims and Actions Against the Authority.
1. Except in an action for wrongful death, no action or proceeding shall be prosecuted or maintained against the authority, or any member, officer, agent,...
- 1745 - Limited Liability.
Neither the members of the board nor any officers or employee of the authority acting on behalf thereof, while acting within the scope of such...
- 1746 - Audit, Annual and Quarterly Reports.
1. Beginning in nineteen hundred ninety and every year thereafter, the authority shall, within one hundred twenty days of the end of the city's fiscal...
- 1747 - Effect of Inconsistent Provisions.
Insofar as the provisions of this title are inconsistent with the provisions of any other law, general, special or local or of the city charter...
- 1748 - Investigations.
The department of investigation of the city of New York shall be authorized to conduct investigations relating to the authority pursuant to chapter thirty-four of...
Last modified: February 3, 2019