New York Public Health Law Section 2994-MM - Effect on other rights.

2994-mm. Effect on other rights. 1. Nothing in this article shall be construed to interfere with the rights of an agent operating under a valid health care directive created under section twenty-nine hundred eighty-two of this chapter.

2. Nothing in this article shall be construed to create a new private right of action not otherwise existing in law against a hospital or any of its directors, trustees, officers, employees or agents, or any contractors with whom a hospital has a contractual relationship.

3. A hospital, any of its directors, trustees, officers, employees or agents, or any contractors with whom a hospital has a contractual relationship shall not be held liable, provided it has complied with this article and acted reasonably and in good faith, for the services rendered or not rendered by the caregiver to the patient at the patient's residence.

Last modified: February 3, 2019