- 3 - Qualifications for Holding Office.
1. No person shall be capable of holding a civil office who shall not, at the time he or she shall be chosen thereto, have...
- 3-a - Restrictions Upon Holding Public Office or Employment of Persons Removed From Office for Certain Reasons.
Any public officer who, upon being called before a grand jury to testify concerning the conduct of his office or the performance of his official...
- 3-b - Special Peace Officers to Be Citizens; Other Residency Requirements.
1. No sheriff of a county, mayor of a city, or official, or other persons authorized by law to appoint special deputy sheriffs, special constables,...
- 3-c - Restrictions Upon Nomination or Election to Compensated Federal, State or Local Office.
1. For purposes of this section, "candidate" has the meaning set forth in section 14-100 of the election law. 2. No commissioner, executive director or...
- 4 - Commencement of Term of Office.
1. The term of office of an elective officer, unless elected to fill a vacancy then existing, shall commence on the first day of January...
- 5 - Holding Over After Expiration of Term.
Every officer except a judicial officer, a notary public, a commissioner of deeds and an officer whose term is fixed by the constitution, having duly...
- 6 - Mode of Choosing State Officers If Not Otherwise Provided.
If the law shall not otherwise provide the mode of choosing a state officer, he shall be appointed by the governor by and with the...
- 7 - Appointment by the Governor and Senate.
An appointment to an office by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate, shall be made by communicating to the...
- 8 - Commissions of Officers.
The commission of every officer appointed by the governor, or by the governor by and with the consent of the senate, shall be signed by...
- 9 - Deputies, Their Appointment, Number and Duties.
Every deputy, assistant, or other subordinate officer, whose appointment or election is not otherwise provided for, shall be appointed by his principal officer, board or...
- 10 - Official Oaths.
Every officer shall take and file the oath of office required by law, and every judicial officer of the unified court system, in addition, shall...
- 11 - Official Undertakings.
1. Every official undertaking, when required by or in pursuance of law to be hereafter executed or filed by any officer, shall be to the...
- 12 - Force and Effect of Official Undertaking.
An officer of whom an official undertaking is required, shall not receive any money or property as such officer, or do any act affecting the...
- 13 - Notice of Neglect to File Oath or Undertaking.
The officer or body making the appointment or certificate of election of a public officer shall, if the officer be required to give an official...
- 14 - Effect of Consolidation on Terms of Office.
If an office be continued by the consolidated laws constituting the consolidation of which this chapter is a part, the person lawfully holding such office...
- 15 - Validation of Official Acts Performed Before Filing Official Oath or Undertaking.
If a public officer, duly chosen, has heretofore entered, or shall hereafter enter on the performance of the duties of his or her office, without...
- 16 - Qualifications of Certain Judicial Officers in Cities of the First Class.
A person shall be eligible for appointment to the office of magistrate, judge or justice of an inferior court of criminal jurisdiction in a city...
- 17 - Defense and Indemnification of State Officers and Employees.
1. (a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires the term "employee" shall mean any person holding a position by election, appointment...
- 18 - Defense and Indemnification of Officers and Employees of Public Entities.
1. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) The term "public entity" shall mean (i) a county, city, town, village or...
- 19 - Reimbursement of Defense Costs Incurred by or on Behalf of State Employees.
1. (a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, the term "employee" shall mean any person holding a position by election, appointment...
Last modified: February 3, 2019