New York Public Officers Law Article 3 - CREATION AND FILLING OF VACANCIES
- 30 - Creation of Vacancies.
1. Every office shall be vacant upon the happening of one of the following events before the expiration of the term thereof: a. The death...
- 31 - Resignations.
1. Public officers may resign their offices as follows: a. The governor, lieutenant-governor, comptroller and attorney-general, to the legislature; b. All officers appointed by the...
- 32 - Removals by Senate.
The governor before making a recommendation to the senate for the removal of any officer may in his discretion take proofs, for the purpose of...
- 33 - Removals by Governor.
1. An officer appointed by the governor for a full term or to fill a vacancy, whose appointment is not required by law to be...
- 33-a - Removal of Heads of Departments.
Any officer who is, or any or either of the officers who are, the head of a department, if appointed by the governor by and...
- 34 - Proceedings for Removal by Governor.
1. In any proceeding for the removal by the governor of a public officer, he may conduct an investigation into the charges, and may take...
- 35 - Removals From Office.
Every removal of an officer by one or more state officers, shall be in written duplicate orders, signed by the officer, or by all or...
- 35-a - Removal for Treasonable or Seditious Acts or Utterances.
A person holding any public office shall be removable therefrom, in the manner provided by law, for the utterance of any treasonable or seditious word...
- 36 - Removal of Town, Village, Improvement District or Fire District Officer by Court.
Any town, village, improvement district or fire district officer, except a justice of the peace, may be removed from office by the supreme court for...
- 37 - Notice of Existence of Vacancy.
When a judgment shall be rendered by any court convicting an officer of a felony, or of a crime involving a violation of his oath...
- 38 - Terms of Officers Chosen to Fill Vacancies.
If an appointment of a person to fill a vacancy in an appointive office be made by the officer, or by the officers, body or...
- 39 - Filling Vacancies in Office of Officer Appointed by Governor and Senate.
A vacancy which shall occur during the session of the senate, in the office of an officer appointed by the governor by and with the...
- 40 - Vacancy Occurring in Office of Legislative Appointee, During Legislative Recess.
When a vacancy shall occur or exist, otherwise than by expiration of term, during the recess of the legislature, in the office of any officer...
- 41 - Vacancies Filled by Legislature.
When a vacancy occurs or exists, other than by removal, in the office of comptroller or attorney-general, or a resignation of either such officer to...
- 42 - Filling Vacancies in Elective Offices.
1. A vacancy occurring before September twentieth of any year in any office authorized to be filled at a general election, except in the offices...
- 43 - Filling Other Vacancies.
If a vacancy shall occur, otherwise than by expiration of term, with no provision of law for filling the same, if the office be elective,...
Last modified: February 3, 2019