New York Public Officers Law Article 4 - POWERS AND DUTIES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS
- 60 - Official Seals of Court of Appeals, Governor and State Departments, Divisions and Bureaus.
1. Each of the civil departments in the state government shall have an official seal. In addition to the divisions or bureaus required by law...
- 61 - Investigations by State Officers.
Every state officer, in any proceeding held before him, or in any investigation held by him for the purpose of making inquiry as to the...
- 62 - Business in Public Offices on Public Holidays.
1. Holidays and half holidays shall be considered as Sunday for all purposes relating to the transaction of business in the public offices of each...
- 62-a - Leave of Absence for Certain Appointive State Officers; Temporary Vacancy.
A person holding a state office by appointment of the governor, or of the governor by and with the consent of the senate, may be...
- 63 - Leave of Absence for Veterans on Memorial Day and Veterans' Day.
It shall be the duty of the head of every public department and of every court of the state of New York, of every superintendent...
- 64 - Payment of Expenses of Public Officers.
Every public officer who is not allowed any compensation for his services shall be paid his actual expenses necessarily incurred in the discharge of his...
- 64-a - Patent Policy.
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of section one hundred thirty-five of the civil service law, the participation in royalty or other arrangements may be extended or...
- 66 - Interchangeable Use of Gender Neutral and Gender Specific Titles of Public Offices.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, local law, charter, code or ordinance, a public officer may, in official documents or otherwise, refer to the name...
- 66-a - Accident Reports Kept by Police Authorities to Be Open to the Inspection of Persons Interested.
1. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of law, general, special or local, or any limitation contained in the provision of any city charter, all reports and...
- 67 - Fees of Public Officers.
1. Each public officer upon whom a duty is expressly imposed by law, must execute the same without fee or reward, except where a fee...
- 67-a - Fees for Certification or Exemplification.
Whenever there shall be presented to any public officer for certification or exemplification, a previously prepared legibly typewritten or printed copy of any document, paper,...
- 68 - Allowance of Additional Fees and Expenses.
Where an officer or other person is required, in the course of a duty imposed upon him by law, to take an oath, to acknowledge...
- 68-a - Fees for Oath or Acknowledgment.
Any officer, authorized to perform the services specified in this section, and to receive fees therefor, is entitled to the following fees: 1. For administering...
- 69 - Fee for Administering Certain Official Oaths Prohibited.
An officer is not entitled to a fee, for administering the oath of office to a member of the legislature, to any military officer, to...
- 69-a - Interest to Be Paid and Collected on All Deposits of Public Moneys Amounting to One Thousand Dollars or More.
Within twenty days of the taking effect of this section, interest shall be required to be paid, if not already so provided by law, on...
- 70 - Accounting for Fees.
Where a public officer is required, by law, to keep an account of, or to pay over, the fees or other moneys, received by him...
- 70-a - Fees to Be Paid by Public Officers for Public Advertisements.
The charge for the publication of concurrent resolutions, proposed constitutional amendments, propositions or questions to be submitted to the voters of the state, tax sales...
- 70-b - Certificate on Printed Copies of Laws.
1. A published or printed copy of a law shall be entitled to be read into evidence if it is: (a) Contained in a book...
- 71 - Vacations for Employees of the State.
The executive officers of every public department, bureau, commission, or board of the state are authorized and empowered to grant to every employee under their...
- 72 - Notices and Reports of Claims, Suits or Causes of Action to Be Given to the Attorney-General.
1. Every officer, clerk, agent or employee of any department of the state government, who shall have knowledge of any accident or injury to the...
- 72-a - Penalty of Officer for Failure to Execute Mandate and Make Return.
An officer who fails to execute a mandate according to its command and make a return thereon of his proceedings is liable to the party...
- 73 - Business or Professional Activities by State Officers and Employees and Party Officers.
1. As used in this section: (a) The term "compensation" shall mean any money, thing of value or financial benefit conferred in return for services...
- 73-a - Financial Disclosure.
1. As used in this section: (a) The term "statewide elected official" shall mean the governor, lieutenant governor, comptroller, or attorney general. (b) The term...
- 73-b - Advertisements by Elected Government Officials and Candidates Made With Public Funds; Prohibited.
1. As used in this section: (a) "Political subdivision" shall mean a county, city, town, village or district within the state. (b) "Public authority" shall...
- 74 - Code of Ethics.
1. Definition. As used in this section: The term "state agency" shall mean any state department, or division, board, commission, or bureau of any state...
- 74-a - Duty of Public Officers Regarding the Physically Handicapped.
It shall be the duty of each public officer responsible for the scheduling or siting of any public hearing to make reasonable efforts to ensure...
- 75 - Bribery of Members of the Legislature.
A person who gives or offers, or causes to be given or offered, a bribe, or any money, property, or value of any kind, or...
- 75-a - Appearance by a Person Convicted of the Crime of Corruption.
75-a. Appearance by a person convicted of a crime of corruption. Upon conviction for any of the following crimes: bribery in the first degree, bribery...
- 76 - Receiving Bribes by Members of Legislature.
A member of either of the houses composing the legislature of this state, or a person elected to become a member thereof, who asks, receives,...
- 77 - Unlawful Fees and Payments.
A member of the legislature or any officer or employee of the legislature who asks or receives or consents or agrees to receive any emolument,...
- 77-a - Members of the Legislature Liable to Forfeiture of Office.
The conviction of a member of the legislature or any officer or employee of the legislature of any of the crimes defined in sections seventy-five,...
- 78 - Certification of Members, Officers and Employees.
On or before the tenth day after any member, officer or employee commences the performance of his duties as such, he shall file, with the...
- 79 - Fine in Certain Cases.
Where an officer or a member of a board or other body has without just cause refused or neglected to perform a public duty enjoined...
Last modified: February 3, 2019