* 92-a. Special telephone equipment for hearing impaired persons. 1. The commission shall require any regulated landline telephone corporation providing local exchange service to sell or lease special telecommunication equipment to a person certified as hearing impaired where the addition of such equipment is necessary to enable such person to access and utilize the local exchange network. The sale of such equipment shall be at an amount not to exceed the actual purchase price by the corporation and the lease of such equipment shall be at a rate to be determined by the commission. Any person who leases such equipment shall be permitted to apply the lease payments toward the equipment's purchase.
2. The commission shall authorize the establishment of the New York telecommunications relay service center. In developing a request for proposals to provide telecommunications relay service the commission shall include the following minimum provisions:
(a) The New York telecommunications relay service center shall be located within the municipality of Syracuse, New York;
(b) A minimum of eighty percent of all calls utilizing telecommunications relay service must be routed to and through the New York telecommunications relay service center; and
(c) A contract to provide telecommunications relay service shall be renewable for up to five years, and the commission shall be empowered to promulgate and adopt all regulations required to implement the terms of this subdivision.
* NB Effective until June 30, 2020
* 92-a. Special telephone equipment for hearing impaired persons. The commission shall require any regulated landline telephone corporation providing local exchange service to sell or lease special telecommunication equipment to a person certified as hearing impaired where the addition of such equipment is necessary to enable such person to access and utilize the local exchange network. The sale of such equipment shall be at an amount not to exceed the actual purchase price by the corporation and the lease of such equipment shall be at a rate to be determined by the commission. Any person who leases such equipment shall be permitted to apply the lease payments toward the equipment's purchase.
* NB Effective June 30, 2020
Last modified: February 3, 2019