- 211 - Statement of Policy.
While cable television serves in part as an extension of interstate broadcasting, its operations involve public rights-of-way, municipal franchising, and vital business and community service,...
- 212 - Definitions.
The words and phrases used in this article shall have the following meanings unless a different meaning clearly appears in the context. 1. "Cable television...
- 213 - Application of Article.
1. Except as provided in subdivision two of this section, the provisions of this article shall apply to every cable television system and every cable...
- 215 - Duties of the Commission in Respect to Cable Television Companies.
The commission shall: 1. Develop and maintain a statewide plan for development of cable television services, setting forth the objectives which the commission deems to...
- 216 - Powers of the Commission in Respect to Cable Television Companies.
1. The commission may promulgate, issue, amend and rescind such orders, rules and regulations as it may find necessary or appropriate to carry out the...
- 217 - Costs and Expenses of the Commission and Department and Assessment Thereof Related to the Regulation of Cable Television Companies.
1. All costs and expenses of the department and commission related to cable television companies shall be paid pursuant to appropriation in the first instance...
- 218 - Municipal Fees; Taxes or Charges.
Nothing in this article shall be construed to limit the power of any municipality to impose upon any cable television company, a fee, tax or...
- 219 - Franchise Requirement.
1. Notwithstanding any other law, no cable television system, whether or not it is deemed to occupy or use a public thoroughfare, may commence operations...
- 220 - Construction of Systems.
Every cable television system constructed after April first, nineteen hundred seventy-three shall comply with such construction standards as the commission may prescribe pursuant to subdivision...
- 221 - Certificate of Confirmation.
1. Except as provided in this section, no person shall exercise a franchise, and no such franchise shall be effective, until the commission has confirmed...
- 222 - Transfer, Renewal or Amendment of Franchises and Transfer of Control Over Franchises and System Properties.
1. No transfer, renewal or amendment of any franchise, or any transfer of control of a franchise or certificate of confirmation or of facilities constituting...
- 223 - Interconnection and System Coordination.
Whenever the commission finds it to be in the public interest, the commission may, either upon application of an interested party or on its own...
- 224 - Requirement for Adequate Service.
1. Every cable television company shall provide safe, adequate and reliable service in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and franchise requirements. 2. Whenever, upon complaint...
- 224-a - Consumer Protection.
1. Notification of commission. Every cable television company shall notify the commission of any network change or significant programming change no later than the later...
- 224-b - Cable Bills.
At the time service is initiated to a residential customer and at least once a year thereafter, every telephone corporation, as defined in subdivision seventeen...
- 225 - Rates.
1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, and by federal law and regulation, the rates charged by a cable television company shall be those...
- 226 - Abandonment of Service.
1. No cable television company, notwithstanding any provision in a franchise, may abandon any service or portion thereof without giving six months' prior written notice...
- 227 - Termination of Franchises.
1. A franchise shall terminate at the expiration of its term or otherwise in accordance with the provisions thereof, unless, prior thereto, the commission otherwise...
- 227-a - Forfeiture.
1. Every cable television company, and all officers, agents and employees of any cable television company shall obey, observe and comply with every order, direction...
- 228 - Landlord-Tenant Relationship.
1. No landlord shall (a) interfere with the installation of cable television facilities upon his property or premises, except that a landlord may require: (1)...
- 229 - Censorship Prohibited.
1. The commission may not prohibit or limit any program or any class or type of program or otherwise censor the communications or signals transmitted...
- 229-a - Subscriber Limitation on Television Reception.
1. To the extent technologically feasible, every cable television company shall offer to each of its subscribers a locking program control device which enables the...
- 230 - Liability for Obscenity, Defamation and Invasion of Privacy.
Neither the cable television company whose facilities are used to transmit a program produced by a person other than such cable television company pursuant to...
Last modified: February 3, 2019