New York Public Service Law Article 4-B - PROVISIONS RELATING TO WATER
- 89-a - Application of Article.
This article shall apply to the sale, furnishing and distribution of water for domestic, commercial and public purposes, not including bottled water.
- 89-b - Safe and Adequate Service; Just and Reasonable Charges; Unjust Discrimination; Unreasonable Preference; Protection of Privacy.
1. Every water-works corporation shall furnish and provide such service, instrumentalities and facilities as shall be safe and adequate and in all respects just and...
- 89-c - General Powers of Commission in Respect to Water Supply.
The commission: 1. Shall have general supervision of all water-works corporations, as hereinbefore defined, having authority under any general or special law or under any...
- 89-d - Inspection of Meters.
1. The commission shall appoint inspectors of water meters whose duty it shall be, when required by the commission, to inspect, examine, prove and ascertain...
- 89-e - Filing of Approval for Construction; Approval of Initial Rate Schedules; Certificate for Parallel or Duplicate Lines.
1. No water-works corporation shall begin construction of a water system or extension thereof or exercise any rights or privileges under any franchise hereafter granted,...
- 89-f - Approval of Issues of Stock, Bonds and Other Forms of Indebtedness.
A water-works corporation organized or existing, or hereafter incorporated, under or by virtue of the laws of the state of New York, may issue stocks,...
- 89-g - Reorganization.
1. Reorganizations of water-works corporations pursuant to sections ninety-six and ninety-seven of the stock corporation law and such other statutes as may be enacted from...
- 89-h - Transfer of Franchises or Stocks.
1. No water-works corporation shall transfer or lease its franchise, works or system or any part of such franchise, works or system to any other...
- 89-i - Complaints As to Price of Water; Investigation by Commission; Forms of Complaints.
Upon the complaint in writing of the mayor of a city, the trustees of a village or the town board of a town in which...
- 89-j - Notice and Hearing; Order Fixing Price of Water or Requiring Improvement.
Before proceeding under a complaint presented as provided in section eighty-nine-i, the commission shall cause notice of such complaint, and the purpose thereof, to be...
- 89-l - Municipal Water Systems.
1. For the purposes of this section, and for the purposes of any jurisdiction conferred by it upon the public service commission, a municipality is...
- 89-n - Defense in Case of Excessive Charges for Water.
If it be alleged and established in an action brought in any court for the collection of any charge for water that a price has...
- 89-o - Powers of Local Officers.
If in any city having a population of fifty thousand or more there now exists or shall hereafter be created a board, body or officer...
- 89-p - Powers of the Department.
The department shall, with respect to out of state water-works corporations which are affiliated with in-state water-works corporations and which provide water to such in-state...
Last modified: February 3, 2019