21-a. Construction and equipment of a rapid transit railroad tunnel or tunnels. a. The city of New York and the New York city transit authority, acting under and pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and of title nine of article five of the public authorities law, are hereby authorized to effect the construction and equipment of a rapid transit railroad tunnel or tunnels between the boroughs of Manhattan and Queens in the city of New York, along the following route:
A route lying wholly within the boroughs of Manhattan and Queens which shall begin at a point on East Sixty-third street at the westerly line of York avenue in the borough of Manhattan where a connection can conveniently be made to other future rapid transit railroads; thence extending easterly along East Sixty-third street under York avenue and Franklin D. Roosevelt drive; thence continuing easterly under the West channel of the East river, Welfare island and the East channel of the East river to the borough of Queens; thence continuing easterly under Queens bridge park and Vernon boulevard to a point on Forty-first avenue at the easterly line of Vernon boulevard where a connection can conveniently be made with other future rapid transit railroads.
b. For the purposes of this chapter, such rapid transit railroad tunnel or tunnels shall be deemed to be a rapid transit railroad.
Last modified: February 3, 2019