New York Rapid Transit Law Article 2 - BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION

  • 10 - Board of Transportation Established; Appointment; Term; Removal.
    a. There shall be a board of transportation in the city. Such board shall possess the powers and duties hereinafter specified. The board shall consist...
  • 11 - Meeting of Board; Official Seal.
    The board of transportation shall hold stated meetings at least once a month during the year at its principal office. The board shall have an...
  • 12 - Record of Proceedings.
    The secretary of the board of transportation, or other officer or employee designated by it, shall keep a full and true record of all its...
  • 13 - Actions and Proceedings.
    a. The board of transportation may sue in the name and behalf of the city. It may in the name of and in behalf of...
  • 14 - Offices, Assistants and Employees.
    a. The board of transportation may rent such offices for a period not to exceed twenty-one years and employ such deputy commissioners, engineers, attorneys and...
  • 15 - Payment of Salaries and Expenses.
    The salaries of the members of the board of transportation and the salaries and expenses paid or incurred in the exercise of their powers and...
  • 16 - Vacations.
    The board of transportation shall grant to every employee under its supervision, who shall have been in such employ for at least one year, a...
  • 16-a - Sick Leave.
    1. Subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth, the New York city transit authority, successor to the board of transportation of the city of New...
  • 17 - Advertising for Proposals.
    The board of transportation before awarding any contract except where there is an extraordinary emergency involving danger to life or property or where the estimated...

Last modified: February 3, 2019