- 10 - The Retirement System Continued; a Corporation.
The retirement system, as established by chapter seven hundred forty-one of the laws of nineteen hundred twenty, as amended, is hereby continued. Such system shall...
- 11 - Duties of Comptroller; the Actuary.
a. The comptroller shall be the administrative head of the retirement system. Subject to the limitations of this article and of law, he shall adopt...
- 12 - Classification of Members.
a. It shall be the duty of the head of each department of the state government, and of the chief fiscal officer of each participating...
- 13 - Management of Fund.
13. Management of funds. a. The funds of the retirement system shall be managed in accordance with this section. b. The comptroller shall be trustee...
- 14 - Legal Adviser.
The attorney-general of the state shall be the legal adviser of the retirement system.
- 15 - State Supervision.
The retirement system continued by this article shall be subject to the supervision of the superintendent of financial services. Such supervision shall be in accordance...
- 16 - Annual Appropriation by State.
a. Upon the basis of each annual actuarial valuation and appraisal provided for in this article, the comptroller, on or before the fifteenth day of...
- 16-a - Amortization of Amounts Outstanding.
a. On or before September first, nineteen hundred eighty-six, on the basis of the annual actuarial valuation and appraisal procedure provided for in this article,...
- 16-b - Notice of Change.
(1) The comptroller, on or before the fifteenth day of October of each year, shall submit to the director of the division of the budget...
- 16-c - Amortization of a Portion of the State's Contribution Bill for Fiscal Year Ending March Thirty-First, Two Thousand Five.
a. If the comptroller, in his or her discretion, decides to permit amortization of employer contributions, then, on or before October fifteenth, two thousand three...
- 16-d - Amortization of a Portion of the State's Contribution Bill for Fiscal Year Ending March Thirty-First, Two Thousand Six.
a. If the comptroller, in his or her discretion, decides to permit amortization of employer contributions pursuant to this section, then, on the basis of...
- 17 - Annual Appropriation by Participating Employers.
a. On or before the fifteenth day of November, nineteen hundred eighty-nine and of each succeeding calendar year, the comptroller shall determine the amount which...
- 17-a - Amortization of Amounts Outstanding.
a. On or before September first, nineteen hundred eighty-nine, on the basis of the annual actuarial valuation and appraisal procedure provided for in this article,...
- 17-b - Amortization of a Portion of the Bills for Participating Employers for the Two Thousand Four--Two Thousand Five Fiscal Year.
a. If the comptroller, in his or her discretion, decides to permit amortization of employer contributions, then, on or about October fifteenth, two thousand three,...
- 17-c - Amortization of a Portion of the Bills for Participating Employers for the Two Thousand Five--Two Thousand Six Fiscal Year.
a. If the comptroller, in his or her discretion, decides to permit amortization of employer contributions pursuant to this section, then, on or about October...
- 17-d - Amortization of a Portion of the Bills for Participating Employers for the Two Thousand Six--Two Thousand Seven Fiscal Year.
a. If the comptroller, in his or her discretion, decides to permit amortization of employer contributions pursuant to this section, then, on or about October...
- 18 - Guaranty.
a. The latest employers of the different members shall be obligated for: 1. Regular interest charges payable, and special interest, if any, and 2. The...
- 19 - Filing of Documents With the Retirement System.
Whenever a statute requires that a document be filed with the state comptroller, as administrative head of the New York state employees' retirement system, within...
- 19-a - Employer Contributions for the Two Thousand Ten - Two Thousand Eleven Fiscal Year and Subsequent Fiscal Years.
a. In addition to the definitions in section two of this article, when used in this section: (1) "Amortizing employer" shall mean an employer that...
Last modified: February 3, 2019