New York Retirement & Social Security Law Title 8 - DEATH BENEFITS AND DISABILITY RETIREMENT
- 360 - Ordinary Death Benefit.
a. An ordinary death benefit plus the reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay shall be payable upon the death of a member who: 1. Died before the effective date of...
- 360-a - Guaranteed Ordinary Death Benefit Payable Upon Death of State Employees.
a. Upon the death in service of a member who was in the employ of the state on March thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-nine, and whose...
- 360-b - Guaranteed Ordinary Death Benefit for Participating Employers.
(a) Pursuant to the provisions of section three hundred thirty-three of this article, a participating employer may elect to provide a guaranteed ordinary death benefit...
- 360-c - Death Benefit for Vested Members Who Die Prior to Retirement.
a. A death benefit plus the reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay shall be payable upon the death of a member who: 1. Died before the effective date of retirement...
- 361 - Accidental Death Benefit.
a. An accidental death benefit and the reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay shall be payable upon the death of a member if, upon application, filed within two years after...
- 361-a - Special Accidental Death Benefit.
* a. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a widow or widower or the deceased member's children under the age of eighteen or, if a...
- 361-a*2 - Payment of Interest on Death Benefits and Accumulated Member Contributions.
* 361-a. Payment of interest on death benefits and accumulated member contributions. Interest shall accrue against unpaid accidental and ordinary death benefits plus the reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay...
- 362 - Ordinary Disability Retirement.
a. Application for an ordinary disability retirement allowance for a member may be made by: 1. Such member, or 2. The head of the department...
- 363 - Accidental Disability Retirement.
a. A member shall be entitled to an accidental disability retirement allowance if, at the time application therefor is filed, he is: 1. Physically or...
- 363-a - Firefighters and Police Officers; Certain Disabilities.
* 1. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or of any general, special, or local law to the contrary, any condition of impairment of health...
- 363-b - State Police Disability Retirement Allowance.
a. Every member or officer of the division of state police in the executive department who becomes physically or mentally incapacitated for the performance of...
- 363-Bb - State Police Accidental Disability Retirement Allowance.
a. A member may elect to receive an accidental disability retirement allowance as provided under this section in lieu of the benefits provided under section...
- 363-c - Retirement for Disability Incurred in Performance of Duty.
a. After January first, nineteen hundred eighty-five, a member who becomes physically or mentally incapacitated for the performance of duty shall be covered by the...
- 363-d - Certain Impairments of Health; Presumption.
* Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the contrary, any (i) melanoma or (ii) condition of cancer affecting the lymphatic, digestive, hematological, urinary,...
- 363-Dd - Impairments of Health; Presumption.
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or of any general, special or local law to the contrary, any police officer or firefighter who is covered...
- 363-e - Disability Retirement Allowance for Members of the Division of Law Enforcement in the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Regional State
park police. a. Every non-seasonally appointed sworn member or officer of the division of law enforcement in the department of environmental conservation and the regional...
- 363-f - Firefighters; Presumption in Certain Diseases.
* Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or of any general, special or local law to the contrary, and for the purposes of this chapter,...
- 364 - Payment of Both Pensions for Accident and Other Benefits Prohibited.
a. If any benefits under the workers' compensation law may be or become payable as the result of accidental disability or accidental death, no payment...
Last modified: February 3, 2019