New York Social Services Law Section 348 - Application for family assistance.

348. Application for family assistance. 1. Application for family assistance shall be made to the appropriate social services district.

2. Application for or receipt of family assistance shall operate as an assignment to the state and the social services district concerned of any rights to support that accrue during the period that a family receives family assistance from any other person as such applicant or recipient may have either on their own behalf or on behalf of any other family member for whom the applicant or recipient is applying for or receiving assistance. Applicants for or recipients of family assistance shall be informed that such application for or receipt of such benefits will constitute such an assignment.

3. Such assignment shall terminate with respect to current support rights upon a determination by a local commissioner that such person is no longer eligible for family assistance, except with respect to the amount of any unpaid support obligation that has accrued during the period that a family received family assistance.

4. It shall be the duty of social services officials to provide same day referral of applicants for family assistance support services as provided under title six-A of article three of this chapter pursuant to part D of title IV of the federal social security act, as part of the initial application for family assistance.

Last modified: February 3, 2019