New York Social Services Law Title 5-C - BLOCK GRANT FOR CHILD CARE
- 410-u - Establishment of Block Grant for Child Care.
1. The department shall establish a state block grant for child care comprised of all of the federal funds appropriated for child care under title...
- 410-v - Allocation of Block Grant Funds.
1. The part of the block that is determined to be available to social services districts for child care assistance shall be apportioned among the...
- 410-w - Eligible Families.
1. A social services district may use the funds allocated to it from the block grant to provide child care assistance to: (a) families receiving...
- 410-x - Use of Funds.
1. A social services district shall expend its allocation from the block grant in a manner that provides for equitable access to child care assistance...
- 410-y - Maintenance of Effort.
Each social services district shall maintain the amount of local funds spent for child care assistance under the child care block grant at a level...
- 410-z - Reporting Requirements.
Each social services district shall collect and submit to the department, in such form and at such times as specified by the department, such data...
Last modified: February 3, 2019