New York Social Services Law Title 8 - STATE CHILD CARE REVIEW SERVICE
- 440 - Findings; Purpose.
1. The legislature finds that children who are in care away from their own homes on a full time basis, whether temporarily or for a...
- 441 - Definitions.
As used in this title, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1. "Service" shall mean the child care review service created by this...
- 442 - Child Care Review Service; Establishment, Operations and Procedure.
1. The department, in consultation with the advisory committee, shall establish and operate a child care review service to accomplish the purposes of this title,...
- 443 - Advisory Committee.
1. The department shall establish and meet regularly with an advisory committee of not more than twenty members to consider policy and planning issues relating...
- 444 - Confidentiality of Records; Related Matters.
1. The department in consultation with the advisory committee shall make regulations; (a) protecting the confidentiality of individual identifying information submitted to or provided by...
- 445 - Funding.
The department shall explore the possibility of, and is authorized to take steps necessary to qualify for any available funding from any private source or...
- 446 - Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System.
(1) The department shall promulgate regulations required to implement federal requirements for the establishment and administration of a statewide automated child welfare information system as...
Last modified: February 3, 2019