New York Social Services Law Title 2 - BERKSHIRE INDUSTRIAL FARM
- 472-e - Institution Continued; Powers.
The body corporate known prior to August twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, by the name of the "Burnham Industrial Farm," the name of which was,...
- 472-f - Objects of Corporation.
The objects of this corporation shall be to receive and take charge of such children as may legally come into its custody and care, and...
- 472-g - Board of Directors.
The property and concerns of the corporation shall be managed by a board of not over twenty-five and not less than ten directors, who shall...
- 472-h - Election of Directors.
On the first day of May in each year at least four in number of the board of directors shall be elected by the corporation...
- 472-i - Quorum to Do Business.
Five members of the board shall be a quorum provided however in the case where the then current board of directors is more than fifteen...
- 472-j - Custody of Children, How Acquired; Notice to Corporation.
The corporation shall be deemed to have acquired lawful care and custody of any child between the ages of six and eighteen years who shall...
- 472-k - Placement of Children in Care of Corporation; Effect of Placement.
The family court may commit or place in said corporation, with its consent, any child adjudicated to be a juvenile delinquent or a person in...
- 472-l - Transfer of Certain Children by Agencies.
The corporate authorities of any agency now or hereafter having the lawful custody and care of any child not less than six years of age,...
- 472-m - Power of Corporation As to Children in Its Care; Corporation to Act As Guardian.
Said corporation shall have the custody and control of all children surrendered, committed, placed or transferred to it under sections four hundred seventy-two-j to four...
- 472-n - Statements As to Age.
In all cases under this article where children shall come under the care, custody or control of said corporation, the age of such children shall,...
- 472-o - Reports.
The said corporation shall annually, on or before the fifteenth day of January, report to the legislature the number and names of the children in...
- 472-p - Property Exempt From Taxation.
So long as the property of said corporation shall be used for charitable purposes only, such property, both real and personal, shall be exempt from
- 472-q - Powers and Liabilities.
Said corporation shall possess the general powers and be subject to the general restrictions and liabilities of incorporated charitable institutions.
Last modified: February 3, 2019