- 73-a - Short Title.
This article may be cited as the "rural public transportation coordination assistance program".
- 73-b - Legislative Findings and Purposes.
The legislature hereby finds, determines, and declares that: 1. the inability of persons in rural areas to access public or private transportation services often is...
- 73-c - Definitions.
Whenever used in this article, the following terms shall have the respective meanings: 1. "Department" shall mean the state department of transportation. 2. "Commissioner" shall...
- 73-d - Interagency Coordinating Committee on Rural Public Transportation.
1. There is hereby created a committee to be known as the "interagency coordinating committee on rural public transportation", to be comprised of nineteen members....
- 73-e - Rural Public Transportation Coordination Assistance Program.
1. Program established. There is hereby established a rural public transportation coordination assistance program which shall: a. enhance the access of people in rural counties...
- 73-f - Local Coordination of Rural Public Transportation Services.
Transportation services funded under this article must be coordinated with transportation services funded by other federal, state and local sources. Public, private, and private non-profit...
- 73-g - Financial Assistance for Creation of Coordinated Rural Public Transportation Services.
1. The commissioner may approve grants to any rural county having no coordinated public transportation service, for the purpose of developing such a service, and...
- 73-h - Operating Aid.
1. For those rural counties having an approved and implemented coordinated public transportation service plan which has maintained existing levels of funding used for transportation...
- 73-j - Special Provisions Relating to Aid.
1. Within one hundred twenty days after the adoption of a state budget containing an appropriation implementing this article, the commissioner shall send to the...
- 73-k - Aid for Counties Operating Jointly or Cooperatively.
In the event two or more counties jointly or cooperatively develop coordinated public transportation services and designate one services coordinator or the same services coordinator,...
- 73-l - Aid for Counties With Transportation Authorities.
In the event a transportation authority encompasses one or more rural counties, each rural county may make application for aid under this article. Any such...
- 73-m - Contract Authority.
The department and rural counties are hereby empowered to enter into any agreement or contract with any private or public agencies, corporations or individuals necessary...
- 73-n - Cooperation and Assistance From Other State Agencies.
The governor shall direct that all state agencies provide the commissioner with assistance in advancing the purposes of this article, and to assure that the...
- 73-o - Functions, Powers and Duties of Departments and State Agencies.
Nothing contained in this article shall be deemed to derogate or detract in any way from the functions, powers or duties prescribed by law of...
- 73-p - Department Report.
Commencing December thirty-first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven, the department, in cooperation with the state interagency coordinating committee on rural public transportation, shall prepare and submit to...
Last modified: February 3, 2019