Section 3--403. Signature by Authorized Representative.(1) A signature may be made by an agent or other representative, and his authority to make it may be established as in other cases of representation. No particular form of appointment is necessary to establish such authority.
(2) An authorized representative who signs his own name to an instrument
(a) is personally obligated if the instrument neither names the
person represented nor shows that the representative signed
in a representative capacity;
(b) except as otherwise established between the immediate
parties, is personally obligated if the instrument names the
person represented but does not show that the representative
signed in a representative capacity, or if the instrument
does not name the person represented but does show that the
representative signed in a representative capacity.
(3) Except as otherwise established the name of an organization preceded or followed by the name and office of an authorized individual is a signature made in a representative capacity.
Last modified: February 3, 2019