215. Rules and regulations. (a) General. Subject to and in conformity with the provisions of the vehicle and traffic law and the constitution and laws of the state, the commissioner may enact, amend and repeal rules and regulations which shall regulate and control the exercise of the powers of the department and the performance of the duties of officers, agents and other employees thereof.
(b) Vehicle equipment. If the commissioner and the attorney general shall determine that any provision of this chapter relating to required vehicle equipment has been preempted by a federal regulation or standard, the commissioner may, in his discretion, promulgate a regulation governing such item or items of equipment, in a manner consistent with such federal regulation or standard. Such regulation, when filed with the secretary of state, shall supersede the provisions of this chapter relating to the same item or items of equipment, provided that such regulation shall only remain in force and effect until thirty days after the next adjournment of a regular session of the legislature provided, however, that the authority to promulgate such regulation shall only be exercised if the federal regulation or standard involved does not take effect at a time when the legislature is in regular session, and the commissioner's regulation is promulgated and takes effect prior to the next ensuing regular session of the legislature.
(c) The commissioner shall determine the degree to which an identification card issued to veterans by the United States department of veterans affairs may be used as proof of name and/or age for the purpose of obtaining a driver's license or non-driver identification card under this chapter.
Last modified: February 3, 2019