399-d. Application for approval. 1. An agency or organization seeking approval as a motor vehicle accident prevention course sponsoring agency shall apply to the commissioner for approval. Such applications shall be made in writing and on forms prescribed by the commissioner. The application shall include at a minimum: the title or name of the course, the name of the organization submitting the application, proof of course ownership, and the names and addresses of all owners, officers, and directors of the agency or organization, and such other information or material as the commissioner may prescribe. An application shall not be considered to be complete until all information and material required by this chapter and by regulation of the commissioner has been submitted.
2. The commissioner shall either approve or deny an application for course approval no later than ninety days following submission of a completed application. In the event the commissioner takes no action on an application after ninety days following submission of a completed application, the application shall be deemed denied.
Last modified: February 3, 2019