New York Vehicle & Traffic Law Article 48-A - REGISTRATION OF LIMITED USE VEHICLES
- 2260 - General Provisions.
Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all of the provisions of this chapter shall apply to a limited use vehicle in the same manner as...
- 2261 - Registration.
1. Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall operate any limited use vehicle on a public highway or street within this state unless such limited...
- 2262 - Limitations on Registrations.
1. A registration issued to a class B or class C limited use motorcycle shall be valid only for operation on public highways in the...
- 2263 - Revocation and Suspension.
In addition to revocation or suspension of a registration pursuant to any other provision of this chapter, all registrations issued to a registrant pursuant to...
- 2264 - Display of Registration Number Plate or Plates.
1. The registration number plate or plates assigned to a limited use vehicle shall be displayed on the vehicle at all times such vehicle is...
- 2265 - Equipment, Inspection and Insurance.
1. Equipment. Unless otherwise prescribed by regulation of the commissioner, a limited use automobile shall be subject to the equipment requirements of this chapter which...
- 2267 - Dealers and Manufacturers.
1. No person shall engage in the business of selling limited use vehicles unless there shall have been issued to him a dealer registration in...
- 2268 - Motor-Assisted Vehicle.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a vehicle which is primarily designed to be propelled by human power shall not be entitled to registration...
- 2269 - Exemptions.
1. Fire and police vehicles are exempt from the provisions of this article, except that the operator of such a vehicle shall be required to...
- 2270 - Rules and Regulations.
The commissioner is hereby empowered to make such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this article, including...
Last modified: February 3, 2019