New York Vehicle & Traffic Law Article 7 - MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY ACT
- 330 - Commissioner to Administer Article; May Require Proof; Court Review.
(a) The commissioner shall administer and enforce the provisions of this article. (b) The commissioner is hereby authorized to adopt and enforce such regulations as...
- 331 - Proof Required Upon Certain Convictions.
(a) Whenever the commissioner, or other authorized person, under any law of this state suspends or revokes the operator's or chauffeur's license of any person...
- 332 - Proof Required in the Event of Certain Judgments.
(a) The commissioner shall also suspend the operator's or chauffeur's license and any and all of the registration certificates and registration plates issued to any...
- 333 - Payments Sufficient to Satisfy Requirements of This Article.
Every judgment herein referred to shall for the purpose of this article only be deemed satisfied: (a) When twenty-five thousand dollars has been credited upon...
- 334 - Suspension Waived Upon Payment of Judgment in Installments.
(a) The commissioner shall not suspend a license or registration of a motor vehicle, and shall restore any license or registration suspended following non-payment of...
- 335 - Security and Proof Required Following Accident.
(a) Not less than ten days nor more than sixty days after receipt by him of the report or notice of an accident which has...
- 336 - Duty of Courts to Report Judgments.
The clerk of the court, or the court where it has no clerk, shall, upon written request of the judgment creditor or his attorney, forward...
- 337 - Suspension, Duration.
(a) The suspension required in sections three hundred thirty-two, three hundred thirty-four and three hundred thirty-five (e) shall remain in effect, the motor vehicle in...
- 338 - Application to Non-Resident, Other Persons.
(a) Whenever, by the laws of this state, the commissioner has the power to suspend or revoke a license if the operator or chauffeur were...
- 339 - Owner May Give Proof for Chauffeur or Member of Family.
Whenever the commissioner determines that any person required to give proof or furnish security under this article, or under certain provisions of article three previously...
- 340 - Surrender of License and Evidences of Registration.
(a) Any person whose operator's or chauffeur's license or registration certificates or registration plates have been suspended as provided in this article and have not...
- 341 - Amount of Proof Required.
Proof of financial responsibility shall mean proof of ability to respond in damages for liability thereafter incurred, arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use...
- 342 - Alternate Methods of Giving Proof.
Proof of financial responsibility when required under this article may be given by the following alternate method; either by proof that a policy or policies...
- 343 - Proof of Financial Responsibility by Certificate Showing Motor Vehicle Liability Policy Obtained.
(a) Proof of financial responsibility may be made by filing with the commissioner the written certificate of any insurance carrier duly authorized to do business...
- 344 - Certificate Furnished by Non-Resident.
(a) The non-resident owner of a foreign vehicle may give proof of financial responsibility by filing with the commissioner a written certificate or certificates of...
- 345 - Motor Vehicle Liability Policy.
(a) A "motor vehicle liability policy" as said term is used in this article shall mean an owner's or an operator's policy of liability insurance...
- 346 - Proof of Financial Responsibility Not Required After February First, Nineteen Hundred Fifty-Seven.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person, on and after February first, nineteen hundred fifty-seven, shall be required to file or maintain proof of...
- 348 - Article Not to Affect Other Policies.
(a) This article shall not be held to apply to or affect policies of automobile insurance against liability which may now or hereafter be required...
- 349 - Filing a Bond As Proof of Financial Responsibility.
(a) A person required to give proof of financial responsibility may file with the commissioner a bond meeting the requirements of this section. (b) Such...
- 350 - Money or Securities Deposited As Proof of Financial Responsibility.
(a) A person may give proof of financial responsibility by delivering to the commissioner one hundred fifty thousand dollars in cash, or securities, such as...
- 351 - Person Having Given Proof May Substitute Other Proof.
The commissioner shall cancel any bond or return any certificate of insurance, or the commissioner shall direct and the department of taxation and finance shall...
- 352 - If Proof Fails Commissioner May Require Other Proof.
Whenever any proof of financial responsibility filed by any person under the provisions of this article no longer fulfills the purpose for which required, the...
- 353 - When Commissioner May Release Proof.
The commissioner shall upon request consent to the cancellation of any bond or insurance policy or return to the person entitled thereto any money or...
- 354 - Commissioner to Furnish Operating Record.
The commissioner shall upon request furnish any insurance carrier or any person an abstract of the operating record of any person subject to the provisions...
- 355 - Operating Without Giving Proof When Proof Required.
Any person whose operator's or chauffeur's license or registration certificate or other privilege to operate a motor vehicle has been suspended or revoked, restoration thereof...
- 356 - Forging or Without Authority Signing Proof of Financial Responsibility.
Any person who shall forge, or without authority, sign any evidence of ability to respond in damages as required by the commissioner in the administration...
- 357 - Failing to Report Convictions and Judgments.
Any person required to forward to the commissioner a record of a conviction or a judgment for damages as provided in section three hundred thirty-six,...
- 358 - Otherwise Violating Article.
Any person who violates any provision of this article for which another penalty is not prescribed by law shall be punished by imprisonment for not...
- 359 - Definitions.
The following words and phrases when used in this article shall, for the purpose of this article, have the following meanings: (a) The singular shall...
- 360 - Exceptions.
This article, except sections three hundred thirty-nine and three hundred fifty-nine, shall not apply to any motor vehicle for the operation of which security is...
- 361 - Self-Insurers.
(a) This article, except sections three hundred thirty-nine and three hundred fifty-nine, shall not apply to any person having registered in his name in this...
- 362 - Article Not to Repeal Other Motor Vehicle Laws.
This article shall in no respect be considered as a repeal of any of the provisions of this chapter (except article six) or of other...
- 363 - Expenses of Administering Article.
1. The total amount of expenses incurred in connection with the administration of this article shall be paid by all insurance carriers which issue policies...
- 364 - Uniformity of Interpretation.
This article shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law of those states, the District of...
- 365 - Short Title.
This article may be cited as the New York motor vehicle safety-responsibility act.
- 366 - Past Application of Article.
This article, except section three hundred thirty-nine thereof, shall not apply to any judgment in a civil action or cause of action arising out of...
- 367 - This Article Does Not Prevent Other Process.
This article shall not be construed to prevent the plaintiff in any action at law from relying for security upon the other processes provided by
- 368 - Constitutionality.
If any part or parts of this article shall be held unconstitutional, such unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this...
Last modified: February 3, 2019