New York Vehicle & Traffic Law Article 27 - PEDESTRIANS' RIGHTS AND DUTIES
1150 - Pedestrians Subject to Traffic Regulations.
Pedestrians shall be subject to traffic-control signals as provided in section eleven hundred eleven of this title, but at all other places pedestrians shall be...
1151-a - Pedestrians' Right of Way on Sidewalks.
The driver of a vehicle emerging from or entering an alleyway, building, private road or driveway shall yield the right of way to any pedestrian...
1152 - Crossing At Other Than Crosswalks.
(a) Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield...
1156 - Pedestrians on Roadways.
(a) Where sidewalks are provided and they may be used with safety it shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an...