New York Vehicle & Traffic Law Article 43 - TRAFFIC SAFETY BOARDS
- 1672 - Traffic Safety Board.
Any city, any town, or any county not wholly included within a city may by local law establish a traffic safety board. The borough president...
- 1673 - Membership of Board.
(a) Such board shall be composed of not less than ten members interested in traffic safety and traffic problems appointed by the city council, town...
- 1674 - Organization and Reports by the Board.
The traffic safety board shall: 1. Meet and organize within fifteen days after its members are appointed. 2. Elect annually a chairman, vice-chairman and a...
- 1675 - Functions of the Board.
The board is authorized: 1. To promote and encourage street and highway traffic safety. 2. To formulate highway safety programs and coordinate efforts of interested...
- 1676 - Executive Secretary of Board.
The executive secretary of the board shall: 1. Subject to the supervision and control of the board perform the functions necessary to properly and efficiently...
- 1677 - County Purpose and Charges.
For any county not wholly included within a city, the provisions of this article and expenditures made hereunder shall be deemed a county purpose and
Last modified: February 3, 2019