• 4-400 - Mayor.
    4-400 Mayor. 1. It shall be the responsibility of the mayor: a. To preside at the meetings of the board of trustees, and may have...
  • 4-402 - Clerk.
    4-402 Clerk. The clerk of each village shall, subject to the direction and control of the mayor: a. have custody of the corporate seal, books,...
  • 4-404 - Taking of Affidavits by Village Officers.
    4-404 Taking of affidavits by village officers. The village clerk or any member of the board of trustees may administer oaths and take affidavits upon...
  • 4-406 - Permits; Franchises; Filing; Duty of Clerk.
    4-406 Permits; franchises; filing; duty of clerk. Duplicate originals of every resolution, certificate or other instrument whereby a village, or any board or officer thereof,...
  • 4-408 - Treasurer.
    4-408 Treasurer. The treasurer of each village shall be the chief fiscal officer of the village and it shall be his responsibility to: a. have...
  • 4-410 - Village Justices; Accounts, Fees, and Fines.
    4-410 Village justices; accounts, fees, and fines. 1. The village justice: a. shall not receive for his own benefit any fees, costs or expenses in...
  • 4-411 - Disposition of Fines and Penalties.
    4-411 Disposition of fines and penalties. Except as otherwise provided by law, all fines and penalties imposed for the violation of a village local law,...
  • 4-412 - The Board of Trustees.
    4-412 The board of trustees. 1. General powers of the board of trustees. a. In addition to any other powers conferred upon villages, the board...
  • 4-414 - Assessments Other Than for Local Improvements.
    4-414 Assessments other than for local improvements. Whenever an owner of property is required by general special or local law to make an improvement, perform...

Last modified: February 3, 2019