The director of development services is vested with the powers and duties provided in sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code, to promote the welfare of the people of the state through the interaction of the business and industrial community and educational institutions in the development of new technology and enterprise.
(A) It is necessary for the state to establish the programs created pursuant to sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code to accomplish the following purposes which are determined to be essential:
(1) Improve the existing industrial and agricultural base of the state;
(2) Improve the economy of the state by providing employment, increasing productivity, and slowing the rate of inflation;
(3) Develop markets worldwide for the products of the state's natural resources and agricultural and manufacturing industries;
(4) Maintain a high standard of living for the people of the state.
The director shall do all of the following:
(1) Receive applications for assistance under sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code ;
(2) Make a determination whether to approve the application for assistance;
(3) Transmit determinations to approve assistance exceeding forty thousand dollars to the controlling board, together with any information the controlling board requires, for the board's review and decision as to whether to approve the assistance;
(4) Gather and disseminate information and conduct hearings, conferences, seminars, investigations, and special studies on problems and programs concerning industrial research and new technology and their commercial applications in the state;
(5) Establish an annual program to recognize the accomplishments and contributions of individuals and organizations in the development of industrial research and new technology in the state;
(6) Stimulate both public and industrial awareness and interest in industrial research and development of new technology primarily in the areas of industrial processes, implementation, energy, agribusiness, medical technology, avionics, and food processing;
(7) Develop and implement comprehensive and coordinated policies, programs, and procedures promoting industrial research and new technology;
(8) Propose appropriate legislation or executive actions to stimulate the development of industrial research and new technology by enterprises and individuals;
(9) Encourage and facilitate contracts between industry, agriculture, educational institutions, federal agencies, and state agencies, with special emphasis on industrial research and new technology by small businesses and agribusiness;
(10) Participate with any state agency in developing specific programs and goals to assist in the development of industrial research and new technology and monitor performance;
(11) Assist enterprises in obtaining alternative forms of governmental or commercial financing for industrial research and new technology;
(12) Assist enterprises or individuals in the implementation of new programs and policies and the expansion of existing programs to provide an atmosphere conducive to increased cooperation among and participation by individuals, enterprises, and educational institutions engaged in industrial research and the development of new technology;
(13) Advertise, prepare, print, and distribute books, maps, pamphlets, and other information ;
(14) Include in the director's annual report to the governor and the general assembly a report on the activities for the preceding calendar year under sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code;
(15) Approve the expenditure of money appropriated by the general assembly for the purpose of sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code;
(16) Identify and implement federal research and development programs which would link Ohio's industrial base, research facilities, and natural resources;
(17) Employ and fix the compensation of technical and professional personnel, who shall be in the unclassified civil service, and employ other personnel, who shall be in the classified civil service, as necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code.
Amended by 130th General Assembly File No. 25, HB 59, §101.01, eff. 9/29/2013.
Effective Date: 12-02-1996
Related Legislative Provision: See 129th General AssemblyFile No.39, SB 171, §4
Section: Previous 122.23 122.24 122.25 122.26 122.27 122.28 122.29 122.30 122.31 122.32 122.33 122.34 122.35 122.36 122.37 NextLast modified: October 10, 2016