(A) There is hereby created the Ohio public works commission consisting of seven members who shall be appointed as follows: two persons shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; one person shall be appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives; two persons shall be appointed by the president of the senate; one person shall be appointed by the minority leader of the senate; and one person from the private sector, who shall have at least eight years experience in matters of public finance, shall be appointed alternately by the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate, with the speaker of the house making the first appointment. The director of transportation, the director of environmental protection, the director of development, the director of natural resources, and the chairperson of the Ohio water development authority shall be nonvoting, ex officio members of the commission. The initial appointments made to the commission by the minority leaders of the senate and house of representatives and one of the initial appointments made by the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate shall be for terms ending December 31, 1989; one of the initial appointments made by the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate shall be for terms ending December 31, 1990; and the initial term of the appointment to the commission that is alternately made by the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate shall be for a term ending December 31, 1989. Thereafter, terms of office shall be for three years, each term ending on the same day of the same month of the year as did the term which it succeeds. Each member shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the member is appointed. Members may be reappointed one time. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner provided for original appointments. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration date of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of that term. A member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor takes office or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first.
The commission shall elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and other officers as it considers advisable. Four members constitute a quorum. Members of the commission shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(B) The Ohio public works commission shall:
(1) Review and evaluate persons who will be recommended to the governor for appointment to the position of director of the Ohio public works commission, and, when the commission considers it appropriate, recommend the removal of a director;
(2) Provide the governor with a list of names of three persons who are, in the judgment of the commission, qualified to be appointed to the position of director. The commission shall provide the list, which may include the name of the incumbent director to the governor, not later than sixty days prior to the expiration of the term of such incumbent director. A director shall serve a two-year term upon initial appointment, and four-year terms if subsequently reappointed by the governor; however, the governor may remove a director at any time following the commission's recommendation of such action. Upon the expiration of a director's term, or in the case of the resignation, death, or removal of a director, the commission shall provide such list of the names of three persons to the governor within thirty days of such expiration, resignation, death, or removal. Nothing in this section shall prevent the governor, in the governor's discretion, from rejecting all of the nominees of the commission and requiring the commission to select three additional nominees. However, when the governor has requested and received a second list of three additional names, the governor shall make the appointment from one of the names on the first list or the second list. Appointment by the governor is subject to the advice and consent of the senate.
In the case of the resignation, removal or death of the director during the director's term of office, a successor shall be chosen for the remainder of the term in the same manner as is provided for an original appointment.
(3) Provide oversight to the director and advise in the development of policy guidelines for the implementation of this chapter, and report and make recommendations to the general assembly with respect to such implementation;
(4) Adopt bylaws to govern the conduct of the commission's business;
(5) Appoint the members of the Ohio small government capital improvements commission in accordance with division (C) of this section.
(1) There is hereby created the Ohio small government capital improvements commission. The commission shall consist of ten members including the director of transportation, the director of environmental protection, and the chairperson of the Ohio water development authority as nonvoting, ex officio members and seven voting members appointed by the Ohio public works commission. Each such appointee shall be a member of a district public works integrating committee who was appointed to the integrating committee pursuant to the majority vote of the chief executive officers of the villages of the appointee's district or by a majority of the boards of township trustees of the appointee's district.
(2) Two of the initial appointments shall be for terms ending two years after March 29, 1988. The remaining initial appointments shall be for terms ending three years after March 29, 1988. Thereafter, terms of office shall be for two years, with each term ending on the same date of the same month as did the term that it succeeds. Each member shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the member is appointed. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration date of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office as a member for the remainder of that term. A member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration of the member's term until the member's successor takes office or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first. Members of the commission may be reappointed to serve two additional terms, except that no member appointed to an initial term of three years may be reappointed to more than one additional term. No more than two members of the commission may be members of the same district public works integrating committee.
(3) The Ohio small government capital improvements commission shall elect one of its appointed members as chairperson and another as vice-chairperson. Four voting members of the commission constitute a quorum, and the affirmative vote of four appointed members is required for any action taken by vote of the commission. No vacancy in the membership of the commission shall impair the right of a quorum by an affirmative vote of four appointed members to exercise all rights and perform all duties of the commission. Members of the commission shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(D) The Ohio small government capital improvements commission shall:
(1) Advise the general assembly on the development of policy guidelines for the implementation of this chapter, especially as it relates to the interests of small governments and the use of the portion of bond proceeds set aside for the exclusive use of townships and villages;
(2) Advise the township and village subcommittees of the various district public works integrating committees concerning the selection of projects for which the use of such proceeds will be authorized;
(3) Affirm or overrule the recommendations of its administrator made in accordance with section 164.051 of the Revised Code concerning requests from townships and villages for financial assistance for capital improvement projects.
(E) Membership on the Ohio public works commission or the Ohio small government capital improvements commission does not constitute the holding of a public office. No appointed member shall be required, by reason of section 101.26 of the Revised Code, to resign from or forfeit membership in the general assembly.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a county, municipal, or township public official may serve as a member of the Ohio public works commission or the Ohio small government capital improvements commission.
Members of the commissions established by this section do not have an unlawful interest in a public contract under section 2921.42 of the Revised Code solely by virtue of the receipt of financial assistance under this chapter by the local subdivision of which they are also a public official or appointee.
(F) The director of the Ohio public works commission shall administer the small counties capital improvement program, which is hereby created. The program shall provide financial assistance to county governments of counties that have a population of less than eighty-five thousand according to the most recent decennial census. Under the program, the director shall review and may approve projects submitted by subcommittees of district public works integrating committees under division (E) of section 164.06 of the Revised Code. In approving projects, the director shall be guided by the provisions of division (B) of that section, while taking into consideration the special capital improvement needs of small counties.
Effective Date: 07-26-2001
Related Legislative Provision: See 129th General AssemblyFile No.39, SB 171, ยง4
Section: 164.01 164.02 164.03 164.04 164.05 164.051 164.06 164.07 164.08 164.09 164.10 164.11 164.12 164.13 164.14 NextLast modified: October 10, 2016